Page 25 - Plastics News June 2021
P. 25


          The Rise and Fall of Plastics

          While the Global Plastics production falls in 2020 for first time since 2008 the Indian plastics industry has been
          developing fast and  is likely to see increasing demands in the post-pandemic era

             ver the years Plastic Industry has been growing    By contrast, output in Chinawhich currently accounts
          Oin business for the wonder material with its wide    for a third of global plastics production continued to
          numerous applications across the segment. Though the   grow by 1.0 percent. It remains largely an importer of
          pandemic was able to dent a bit, however its thanks to the   specialist plastics, notably for the automotive sector.
          PPE’s and the SUP that helped us to survive and overcome   North America has increased its plastics output over the
          the dangers of the life threatening diseases.         past 10 years to 70 million tonnes, PlasticsEurope said.
                                                                But its share of overall global production has been eroded
          The pandemic has  not only killed human but has equally
          ruined countries and their businesses as well, According   slightly to around 19 percent from 20 percent in 2010. The
          to a report  Global plastics production declined by 0.3 per   automobile sector, one of the biggest buyers of plastics
          cent in 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, only   after the packaging and construction industries, saw its
          the third time since World War II that output has fallen,   consumption plunge by 18 percent or by 900,000 tonnes
          the European industry federation Plastics Europe said.   in Europe in 2020, PlasticsEurope calculated.
                                                                The federation said that factory closures due to
                              In Europe, plastics output was
                              down 5.1 per cent last year,      coronavirus restrictions and a reduction in stockpiles had
                              Plastics Europe said in a statement   fuelled a sharp rise of eight percent in plastics prices in
                              Previously, global plastics output   the first three months of this year compared with the
                              fell as a result of the oil crisis in   fourth quarter of 2020. And that trend was expected to
                              1973 and then the financial crisis   continue in the immediate future. Over the whole of last
                              in 2008.                          year, however, plastics prices had fallen by just under
                                                                seven  percent in  Europe as a  result  of the  drop in  oil
                              But  last year, worldwide  output   prices, PlasticsEurope said.
                              slipped to 367 million tonnes from
                              368 million in 2019, a decline of   Indian Scenario
                              0.3 percent, the head of European   On  the  other  hand  back  home    the  Indian  plastics
          industry  federation  Plastics  Europe,  Eric  Quenet,  .  He   industry  has  been  developing  fast  with market  growth
          attributed the decline  to  "the  impact of  Covid-19 on   and diversification in recent years. Latest market reports
          the global economy", but the sector suffered much less   indicate that the industry is likely to see increasing
          than the overall 3.3 percent contraction in the global   demands in the post-pandemic era.
          economy last year according to IMF figures. While there   According  to  the  Directorate  General of  Commercial
          had been expectations of an increase in consumption of   Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS) of India, the Indian
          medical plastics due to the pandemic, medical plastics   plastics industry hosts more than 2,000 exporters. In FY
          only  accounted  for  1.5-2.0  percent  of  total  volumes,   2020, plastics export of India stood at US$7.045 billion
          Quenet noted.
                                                                with the highest contribution from plastic raw materials
          In Europe, plastics production was down 5.1 percent at   at US$2.91 billion, followed by plastic sheets, films and
          55 million tonnes last year. And the 27-nation EU now   plates  at  US$1.22  billion,  and  packaging  materials  at
          accounts for just 15 percent of worldwide production,   US$722.47 million.
          down from 21 percent in 2010, PlasticsEurope calculated.    Meanwhile, there are around 30,000 plastic processing
          Europe remains a market that is "structurally in surplus,"   units  of  which  85-90%  are  small  and  medium-sized
          Quenet said. Its export surplus last year amounted to six   enterprises, over 7000 recycling units and numerous of
          million tonnes, wider than four million tonnes in 2019,   end-users, which ensure an effective industry chain in the
          and Turkey is currently the biggest customer.
                                                                country. These enterprises employ more than 4 million

                                                                                  25      June 2021     Plastics News
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