Page 40 - Plastics News June 2021
P. 40

internAtionAL news

          Project worth Rwf690 Million                           EuPC head bemoans ‘wasted

          to Manage Single-Use Plastics                          opportunity’ with SUP Directive
          Launched                                               guidelines

                                                                    he “long-awaited” Single-Use Plastics Directive
             he Private Sector Federation (PSF) is set to contribute
          Ta project worth (rawandian franc) Rwf 690.9 million   TGuidelines have resulted in a “long list of
          for collecting, transportation, disposal and recycling of   inconsistencies and questions unanswered”, according
          single-use plastics in the next five years in Rawanda Africa.   to the managing director of European Plastics Converters
          The project dubbed "Sustainable Management of single-  (EuPC).After almost one year of delays, the guidelines
          use Plastics Project" was launched as Rwanda celebrated
          World  Environment  Day. The  day  was  held  under  the
          theme "Ecosystem Restoration". The new development
          is in line with Law N° 17/2019 of 10/08/2019 relating to
          the prohibition of manufacturing, importation, use and
          sale of plastic carry bags and single-use plastic items. The
          law aims to protect the environment, the economy and
          the health of the people from throwaway plastics. Under
          the project PSF will support resource mobilization from
          the private sector institutions and make sure that every
          eligible institution/company contributes on time.Jeanne
          d'Arc Mujawamariya the Minister of Environment said that
          the project is part of a solution to prevent and reverse the
          loss of biodiversity caused by plastic pollution saying it
          also falls within Rwanda National Environment and Climate
          Change Policy which sets out to promote integrated     were finally published at the end of May 2021, with
          pollution control and waste management. She said that   the document slated to become the handbook for the
          despite the ecosystem services supporting human life in   activities of both national and European legislators in
          all development Sectors, critical ecosystems in Rwanda   the implementation of the Directive. The delay has
          such as wetlands, forests and water sources face a lot of   already  resulted  in  the  first  signs  of  scattered  and
          pressure especially with pollution, introduction of invasive   unharmonised transposition scenarios through out the
                                                                 European Union, claims Alexandre Dangis. He believes
                                                                 that most of the countries are already at an advanced
                                                                 stage of the legislative process – with July’s deadline for
                                                                 the transposition fast approaching – having been forced
                                                                 to choose their own individual paths while waiting for
                                                                 the overdue guidelines.  “The Guidelines could have
                                                                 been a tool to provide necessary and long-awaited
                                                                 clarifications. An important opportunity has been lost,
                                                                 leaving an essential part of our European industry the
                                                                 uncertainty about the future of the different national
                                                                 legislative frameworks. “Moreover, the Guidelines
                                                                 do not provide the strongly needed clarity to create
          species, climate change, habitat loss among others. She
          said that Rwanda located in the Albertine rift is endowed   security of planning for companies across Europe.
          with some of the World's richest natural resources and   According to the text of the Directive, one of the
          ecosystem habitat of large number of endangered species.  main drivers for the identification of a single-use food
          These, she said, include the mountain gorillas, which are   container should have been its ‘tendency to become
          among the most charismatic flagship species in Africa.  litter, due to its volume or size, in particular, single-
                                                                 serve portions’.

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