Page 24 - Plastics News April 2017
P. 24


          Labels impact PET bottle recyclability says a study

         A new study says that while water bottles have become more environmentally friendly over the years through
         lightweighting, factors such as labels and glue still can greatly impact their recyclability.

             lastic Technologies Inc. of Holland, Ohio a firm that   Design choices  by  brand  owners  continue  to  hinder
         Pprovides package design, development and engineering   plastics recovery
         services to bottle manufacturers, explored this issue in   A study has backed up a frequent message among plastics
         a recent study analyzing how PET bottle weight affects
         performance, cost, and environmental impact, as well as   recycling companies: Successful recyclability starts in
         how other design decisions influence recyclability.    the product design phase. The new research was framed
                                                                as a response to the popularity of lightweighting among
         Plastic Technologies Inc. of Holland, Ohio, is out with a   PET water bottle producers. It also investigated the
         new white paper after studying water bottles purchased   recycling-related  effects  of  innovations  in  labels  and
         in different parts of the world. “The big takeaway is that   other areas.“Bottlers must look beyond the bottle itself
         the bottles are probably reaching the technical limit of   and include components such as labels, inks and closures
         what the light-weight bottle could handle, but at the same   to truly understand their impact on the waste stream,”
         time, they could be better from a recycler’s point of view,”   the researchers wrote in the report.
         said Marcio Amazonas, one of three authors of the paper.
         Amazonas is PTI’s director of Latin American operations   The study found many container manufacturers do not
         and involved with sustainability work at the company.“We   meaningfully factor in recyclability during the design
         thought PTI could be a neutral source to access the good,   phase. In many cases, containers function well during their
         the bad and the ugly design,” he said. “I think designers   use but a number of traits leave them difficult to recycle
         are bragging maybe a bit too much of the good things they   at end-of-life. Containers
         do and maybe they don’t have control over the whole    investigated were half-litre
         process, especially when it comes to labeling.”        water bottles sourced from
         PET recycling can become contaminated by using the wrong   North America, Latin America,
         label material or inks that bleed. Even the type of glue   Europe and South Asia, which
         used can have an impact, said Amazonas, who authored   represent the largest markets
         the paper with Greg Fisher and Wei Zhang.Water bottle   where leading brands are
         designers have lowered the weight of their containers   sold. Recyclability was tested
         to 7.5 to 8.5 grams in some low-priced products, about   using the Association of Plastic
         one-third of the 22 to 23 grams still found in premium   Recyclers (APR) guidelines.
         packaging tested by PTI. But using labels, inks and glues   Bottle color, label design, glue or ink elements “had a
         incompatible with plastic recycling can have a big impact   significant  impact  on  package  recyclability,”  the  study
         on sustainability, Amazonas said.                      noted. The most commonly observed problem was label
                                                                bleed, a situation in which ink from a label discolors wash
         Paper labels, for example, can be more difficult to remove
         in the recycling process. And bits of paper fiber and glue   water and stains PET flakes. Every label that was studied
         that remain on PET after the separation process can burn   caused some degree of visual change in the wash liquid.
         and cause black marks when flake is later heated. Cheaper   Most samples problematic
         inks, which will bleed while in the water-based separation
         process, also can contaminate recycled flake and cause   Overall,  five  out  of  seven  bottle  brands  sourced  from
         discoloration of recycled plastic. Designers can pay more   North America  –  and four out  of  six  European samples
         attention to these issues to create less problems for PET   – experienced at least one design-related problem
         recyclers, PTI said in the report.                     during recycling. The brands were not identified. “The
                                                                samples that had less-than-favorable ratings can be
         PTI purchased the top-selling 500 millilitre water bottles   improved by the proper choice of ink and adhesive,” the
         from stores in the United States, Mexico, India and Europe   researchers wrote. “The use of soluble inks and glues
         to conduct the research.

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