Page 16 - Plastics News April 2019
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CompAny news

          K 2019 Düsseldorf –Mumbai Meet

              esse-Duesseldorf the organizers of K 2019 - the World’s   – but also on niche segments. As always, K 2019 exhibitors
          MNo.1 Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber, arranged    will be presenting their products and services in all of the
          media and industry interaction at Ahmedabad and Mumbai   venue’s 18 halls with a total area of almost 174,000 m2.
          during the second week of March 2019. On the panel in   Products and services, grouped by topic, will be located
          Ahmedabad, were Mr. Werner M. Dornscheidt, Chairman   in the following halls:
          of the Board of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Dr. Büschl -   •   Machines and equipment: Halls 1, 3-4 as well as 9-17
          Member of Exhibitors’ Council K 2019, Mr. Thomas Schlitt
          - Managing Director, Messe Düsseldorf India & Mr. Jigish   •   Raw materials, auxiliaries: Halls 5, 6, 7, 7a, 8a, 8b
          Doshi – President, PlastIndia Foundation, while the panel   •   Semi-finished  products,  industrial  components  and
          in Mumbai had Mr. Werner M. Dornscheidt, Chairman of the   reinforced plastics products: Halls 5, 6, 7, 7a, 8a, 8b

                                                                More than 3,000 businesses from the plastics and rubber
                                                                industry will again present products, processes and
                                                                practical solutions for a productive and responsible future.
                                                                K Düsseldorf has been the most important meeting place
                                                                of the international plastics and rubber industry for 68
                                                                years – and counting. At tri-annular intervals, exhibitors
                                                                and visitors from all global continents come together in
                                                                Düsseldorf in order to present and experience at first hand
                                                                leading edge developments and products from this dynamic
                                                                and innovative industry. They use the opportunities offered
                                                                by the K flagship fair, a unique information and networking
          Board of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Dr. Büschl - Member of   platform for innovators seeking new prospects. Only in
          Exhibitors’ Council K 2019, Mr. Thomas Schlitt - Managing
          Director, Messe Düsseldorf India, Mr. Ajay Shah – National   Düsseldorf, can visitors experience and compare such a
                                                                varied and international range of developments, solutions
          Executive Council Chairman, Plast India 2021 & Mr. Meela
          Jayadev – President, AIPMA who interacted and updated   and trends and enjoy a practical discourse with experts.
                                                                Only the K trade show features such a high density of
          the Industry on the latest developments at K 2019 , market
          trends and Industry insights”                         international product launches. In terms of importance,
                                                                the K plastics flagship fair leaves all other international
          K 2019  will welcome the international plastics and rubber   events of its kind far behind.
          industry to its exhibition centre in Düsseldorf/Germany
          from 16 until 23 October, . More than 3,000 exhibitors from   Special presentation “Plastics shape the
          more than 60 nations will take part. As usual, the largest
          group of exhibitors comes from Europe, particularly from   The special presentation with the title “Plastics shape the
          Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France and Turkey,   future” aims to show how polymer materials have shaped
          but there is also an impressive number of participants   the appearance of modern settings. Expert discussions,
          from the US. At the same time, the K trade fair is a clear   kick-off speeches, interesting demonstrations and exciting
          indicator of changes in the global market: over the past   experiments will alternate on seven theme days. Economic
          few years, the number of participating Asian companies   and ecological aspects will be given as much attention as
          and the exhibition area that they have booked has been   problem areas and potential solutions.
          rising steadily, and this year, particularly China, Taiwan,   This special presentation, a project of the German plastics
          India, Japan and South Korea will be impressing visitors   industry spearheaded by PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V.
          with their prominence. As the K trade fair features a wide   and Messe Düsseldorf, will enhance the official program
          abundance of companies from all over the world, the   of the K trade fair offering new insights and visions for
          spotlight is not only on the major issues that concern the   exhibitors and visitors as well as for the media and the
          industry – such as energy, resource and material efficiency   interested public.

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