Page 56 - Plastics News April 2019
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          The right polymers for the job

             esearchers from the University of Delaware have    polymers consist of a long chain, or backbone, and a side
          Rdeveloped the most powerful, durable hydroxide       chain with a positively charged ion, or cation. In Yan's
          exchange membrane fuel cell components on record,     past work, the side chains used in hydroxide exchange
          which they recently described in the journal Nature   membranes contained very large positively cations,
          Energy. The key ingredient are  Membranes made from   which made them stable but hindered their conductivity.
          poly(aryl piperidinium) polymers. Fuel cells work by   The backbone material, on the other hand, was inexpensive,
          converting chemical energy into electricity, and they are a   but not sufficiently stable. "The question was: how do you
          promising source of power for eco-friendly vehicles. A few   create a new polymer that is stable both for the organic
                                                                cation and the backbone at the same time, with a small
                                                                cation?" said Yan. Using poly(aryl piperidinium) polymers,
                                                                the team developed hydroxide exchange membranes and
                                                                ionomers with favorable properties, including good ion
                                                                conductivity, chemical stability, mechanical robustness,
                                                                gas separation and selective solubility.

                                                                When the team tested these materials in a system with
                                                                only a very small amount of platinum, the fuel cells fed
                                                                with air had a peak power density of 920 milliwatts per
                                                                square centimeter and operated in a stable manner at a
                                                                current density of 500 milliamperes per square centimeter
          fuel cell vehicles already exist on the market, including   for  300  hours  in  air  at  95  degrees  Celsius. These  are
          the Toyota Mirai, the Honda Clarity and the Hyundai   the best power and stability stats yet for a hydroxide
          Nexo, and more fuel cell cars are under development   exchange membrane at above 90 degrees Celsius and the
          worldwide. The fuel cells in automobiles require the use   closest anyone has come to the 5000 operating hours that
          of an expensive catalyst material, usually platinum, to   would be required to use this technology in a car.These
          hasten the chemical reactions inside. These are called   are the best power and stability stats yet for a hydroxide
          proton membrane exchange fuel cells, and they contain   exchange membrane at above 90 degrees Celsius and
          membranes made of a fluorinated polymeric material. For   the closest anyone has come to the 5000 operating hours
          nearly two decades, Yushan Yan, Distinguished Engineering   that would be required to use this technology in a car.
          Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has
          been working to develop fuel cells that don't require   The team developed a family of polymers, making this
          platinum catalysts and instead employ cheaper metals,   technology versatile. "There are a lot of knobs we can
          such as silver or nickel.                             turn to deliver different properties," said Yan. "This is a
                                                                platform technology. The paper's first author is research
          These fuel cells contain hydroxide exchange membranes,   associate  Junhua  Wang,  who has  been  working  on this
          which shift the environment within fuel cells from acidic   project since 2011. "For this discovery to be made, he had
          --  the  current  standard  --  to  alkaline. The  membrane   to be very patient," said Yan. "He is a wonderful scientist,
          of the fuel cell is what determines the pH inside. "We   very creative and diligent." The UD team also included
          can make components much cheaper by switching from    research associate Yun Zhao, postdoctoral associates Brian
          proton  exchange  membrane  fuel  cells  to  hydroxide   P. Setzler, Santiago Rojas-Carbonell, Lan Wang, Keda Hu;
          exchange membrane fuel cells," said Yan. In order to   doctoral student Lin Shi and adjunct professor Shimshon
          make these membranes, Yan has been on a quest to      Gottesfeld. They also collaborated with three colleagues
          develop optimal, scalable materials. For this project,   from Elbit Systems Limited, a fuel cell company based in
          Yan enlisted the expertise of another electrochemistry   Israel. The research is based on work supported by the
          expert at UD -- Bingjun Xu, assistant professor of chemical   U.S. Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects
          and biomolecular engineering. Hydroxide exchange      Agency-Energy under Award No. DE-AR00000771.

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