Page 36 - Plastics News April 2021
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internAtionAL news
East Greenwich reinstates Plastics Las cruces city council proposing
ban April 19 plastic bag ban
he To wn o f E as t Stores in Las Cruces, New
TGre enwich,U SA has Mexico, may soon be switching
reinstated the ordinance to a paper bagging system, as
banning single-use plastic part of a proposed city effort
bags at retail stores, effective to limit single-use plastics.
Monday, April 19, 2021.Town While an official ordinance
Manager Andy Nota announced has yet to be drafted, City
at the Town Council meeting. Sustainability Officer Lisa
The town’s plastic bag ban had LaRocque reviewed a proposed
only been in effect for a few plan with the Las Cruces City
months when the COVID-19 Council during a work session.
pandemic hit. Town Manager She outlined the reasons single-use plastic bags can
Andy Nota suspended the ban in March 2020 over concerns be harmful, saying they are often only in use for an
that the virus could spread easily on surfaces, making average of 12 minutes. “Litter and plastics buried in
the landfill can persist there for hundreds of years,
reusable bags potentially hazardous. In those initial months and we have this throwaway mentality that needs
of the pandemic, most stores did not allow shoppers to use to be stopped,” LaRocque said. “On average, we use
reusable bags for that reason. But, as Council President 1,500 single plastic-use plastic bags a year, and on
(and doctor) Mark Schwager noted Monday, much has average we use them for only 12 minutes. So, it is a
been learned about COVID-19 transmission, including “the very excessive use of a product that has such a long
limited role of surface contamination.” Nota said he’d shelf life.” The proposed plan would ban single-use
consulted with other municipal leaders and most were plastic bags in department, grocery and other stores but
taking the same course of action. East Greenwich was one would make exceptions for food banks, restaurants and
of the first to pause its ban on plastic bags. Town manager take-out establishments as well as bags for bulk items
Andrew Nota approved it to make it easier for restaurants like produce and meat. To help offset the cost of paper
to offer takeout orders. But since the pandemic took hold bags, LaRocque proposed a 10-cent fee for each bag
in March, more than half have paused their ordinances used. “50% of the bag fee will be kept by the retailers to
over health concerns and needed relief for businesses. offset the added cost of paper bags, and to assist with
The ordinance was initially passed in September 2019 to administrative fees,” LaRocque said. “The remaining
“improve the environment and the health, safety, and 50% we suggest should be donated to a local nonprofit
welfare of residents by reducing the number of plastic chosen by the retailer.” Las Cruces Sustainability Officer
and paper bags being used and by encouraging reusable Lisa LaRocque said she would reach out to restaurants
carryout bags.” Sixteen communities had then approved and the New Mexico Restaurant Association to get their
plastic-bag bans since Barrington passed the state’s first latest thoughts on the bag ban, since the exemption
municipal ban in 2012. Many plastic bags are allowed was developed before the COVID-19 pandemic ushered
under the ordinance, including smaller bags used at in an explosion in take-out. The city's definition of a
grocery stores for produce or at hardware stores for small plastic bag includes exemptions such as for laundry
items. Also exempt: plastic bags over flowers or potted bags, produce bags, baked good bags and prescription
plants and dry cleaning bags. “At a moment in time when bags. Mayor Ken Miyagishima says he would support
the light switch was flipped and businesses who weren’t the plan if restaurants were not included in the plastic
previously in the takeout business suddenly were in that ban, though indicated he would be open to revaluating
the ordinance at the one-year mark. Statewide bans
business– that was really the main emphasis at the time have become increasingly common across the United
where support from an ordinance was needed,” Nota States. Eight states, including California, Oregon, New
said about why they decided to temporarily allow plastic York and Hawaii have all enacted legislation banning
bags in town. plastic bags.
Plastics News April 2021 36