Page 30 - Plastics News April 2023
P. 30

Tetra Pak recycling initiatives, investments keep materials out of landfill
                                                                                 Recent Tetra Pak collaborations have
                                                                                 been focused on creating additional
                                                                                 recycling capacity and increasing col-
                                                                                 lection rates. In February for example,
                                                                                 it co-invested in four facilities across
                                                                                 Europe, the Middle East and Australia.
                                                                                 Last year it invested close to EUR30m
                                                                                 (US$32.81m) on projects worldwide
                                                                                 and stated that it plans to input a fur-
                                                                                 ther EUR40m per year into global
                                                                                 projects. This falls in line with Tetra
                                                                                 Pak’s collection and recycling bever-
                                                                                 age carton targets.
                                                                                 The company’s goals also include re-
                                                                                 alising the national recyclability crite-
                                                                                 ria for packages in all of the countries
               ultinational packaging and  pro-  president of  sustainability operations   it operates.
          Mcessing company Tetra Pak has  at Tetra Pak, Markus Pfanner explains   Vice president of collection and recy-
          announced its most recent  recycling  that  building  a circular economy re-  cling at Tetra Pak Christine  Levêque
          initiatives  are helping it to deliver a  quires system-wide action and coop-  said: “Three principles are guiding
          sustainable  future,  in  the  lead-up  to  eration,  supported  by a regulatory   our circularity agenda: designing out
          Earth Day on 22 April.             framework.                          waste and pollution, keeping products
          Tetra Pak says the various recycling  The company points out that paper-  and materials in use, and regenerating
          initiatives it has put in place are help-  based beverage cartons are recycla-  natural systems. These hero initiatives
          ing to keep valuable materials in use  ble when there are suitable recycling   showcase how innovation and a clear
          and  out  of  landfill.  The  company  infrastructures in place and estimates   drive to change the status quo are key
          states that it has grown a number of  that globally 1.2 million tonnes of bev-  to keep quality materials in circulation
          recycling operations handling cartons  erage  cartons have  been  collected   and minimise the use of new ones.
          worldwide. In fact, it says it has seen  and sent for recycling in 2021.  “None of these developments could
          the number grow from 40 in 2010 to   “We need to move away from linear   be realised without our 70 experts
          over 200 in 2023.                                                      around the  globe,  who are collabo-
                                             ‘take-make-waste’  model  towards  a
          The Switzerland headquartered com-  more connected circular economy.   rating every day with recyclers, local
          pany states  that  according to the  But  being  part of a circular  solution   authorities and food  and beverage
          World Bank, global waste is predicted  can’t be driven singlehandedly by one   manufacturers  to  drive  the  transfor-
          to  increase  to  70%  by  2050  unless  individual or entity  – scientists,  poli-  mation needed to scale up collection
          significant action is taken.       cymakers, recyclers,  industry play-  and recycling.”
                                             ers and citizens must work together,”
          Tetra Pak is firmly behind the idea of
          building a circular economy and vice   said Pfanner.

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