Page 53 - Plastics News April 2023
P. 53
as a precursor. In previous studies, a plants, chemical plants, or steel facto- and other sources to demonstrate the
research team led by Professor Yu- ries. Acetone is a relatively inexpen- practical application of artificial photo-
taka Amao from the Research Center sive and reasonably harmless chemi- synthesis," explained Professor Amao.
for Artificial Photosynthesis at Osaka cal used in many different laboratory After 24 hours, more than 60% of
Metropolitan University found that settings, either for reactions or as a acetone had been successfully con-
3-hydroxybutyrate can be synthe- cleaning agent, which produces waste verted to 3-hydroxybutyrate. "In the
sized from CO2 and acetone with acetone. The acetone and CO2 acted future, we aim to develop artificial
high efficiency, but this was only dem- as raw materials to synthesize 3-hy- photosynthesis technology further,
onstrated at higher concentrations of droxybutyrate using artificial photo- so that it can use acetone from liquid
CO2 or sodium bicarbonate. synthesis, powered by light equivalent waste and as well as exhaust gas from
to sunlight.
This new study aimed to reuse waste the laboratory as raw materials," stat-
acetone from permanent marker "We focused our attention on the im- ed Professor Amao.
ink and low concentrations of CO2 portance of using CO2 created by ex-
equivalent to exhaust gas from power haust gas from thermal power plants
The Power of Self-Emptying Technology for Extrusion Lines
cumulates over time), from color pig- colors and carbon from parts. The
ments to additives, must be entirely self-emptying technology is also ideal
removed from equipment, including for machine shutdowns. The equip-
screws, dies, and metering pumps. ment will be free of resin residue af-
Thorough purging of all contaminants ter using a self-emptying purge com-
helps keep lines performing optimally pound, resulting in no carbon specks
and consistently. contaminating parts on start-up.
Is manual cleaning the answer? One standout product that utilizes
hermoplastic extrusion line oper- Manual cleaning takes more time and self-emptying technology is Chem-
Tators contend with a wide range labor than most producers can spare. Trend Ultra Purge™ 3615. Especially
of daily challenges. Color changes and Lines must be shut down to complete effective at removing residue from
contamination are two common and the task, which significantly cuts into the hard-to-reach dead spots, such
complicated obstacles to maintaining productivity – and revenue. Intensely as the back of the flights of the screw,
production schedules and producing laborious, manual cleaning also poses that make the screw so difficult to
high-quality end products that meet safety risks to your teams. None of clean completely. Ultra Purge™ 3615
your customers’ needs. Issues like this is ideal. works with such quickness and ease
color streaking, black specks, and that the result is up to a 75% reduc-
other material changes can lead to ex- Self-emptying technology can make a tion in downtime and scrap for color
cessive downtime, scrap, and wasted tremendous difference changes, shutdowns/start-ups, and
resources. The result? Unnecessary Specialty purging compounds can al- carbon removal.
frustration and costs for you. leviate many complications from the Versatility makes the difference
Why is this problem so rampant? cleaning process and create excep-
tionally better output consistency. The versatility of Ultra Purge™ 3615
Complete cleaning is essential for Advanced capabilities, like the self- is particularly attractive to producers.
maintaining effective and efficient ex- emptying technology, can make a tre- It’s ideal for a wide range of resins and
trusion production lines. Any material mendous difference by facilitating the works well for extrusion and blow
that remains after each run (and ac- quick and complete removal of dark molding machines with and without
April 2023