Page 22 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 22
AkzoNobel and Itaconix finalize bio-based polymer application
kzoNobel’s Specialty Chemicals business has finalized and important markets.”Nieuwenhuizen also pointed out
Athe first application agreement for bio-based polymers that the collaboration with Itaconix is another example
to result from its collaboration with specialty polymers of AkzoNobel’s approach to embracing open innovation
company Itaconix. Announced earlier this year, the joint to help find more sustainable solutions. The company
development agreement involves AkzoNobel’s Performance recently announced the winners of its Imagine Chemistry
Additives unit developing applications for Itaconix open innovation challenge, which included start-ups
polymers to be used in the coatings and construction working in fermentation and with bio-based raw materials.
industries. Under the agreement, Itaconix will contribute
its proprietary Moretto expands its
polymers from international presence
itaconic acid,
which ar e oretto, the Italian company leader in automation
obtained from Mtechnology for the plastic processing industry,
expands its activities globally with the opening
sugars through of three new branches in China, India and Russia.
fermentation. Three markets where Moretto’s technology has been
“W e ar e protagonist for years through the realisation of
pleased to be numerous plants and the supply of primary companies
a n n ou n cin g in the sector. China is a market at the core of the
the first in international plastics industry with growing production
a series of needs from both technological and automation point
agreements to of view. India is considered
develop these polymers for commercial use,” said the second emergent country
after China and represents
Peter Nieuwenhuizen, RD&I Director for AkzoNobel’s today an important attraction
Specialty Chemicals business. Nieuwenhuizen detailed the for economic activities around
development during a presentation today at the BIO World the world with an exponential
Congress on Industrial Biotechnology in Montreal. “Being and continuous GDP growth.
able to incorporate polymers made from renewable bio- Last, but not least, Russia with
based raw materials will give a significant sustainability growing plastic applications in all areas where it is
advantage for our customers and also fits closely with applied. A market in which Moretto plans to double
our own Planet Possible sustainability agenda of doing its sales volume according with the results of first half
of 2017: an increase of 35% compared to the total
more with less,” he said. “In addition to applications in amount of 2016.
coatings and construction materials, bio-based polymers
have the potential to be used in a range of other everyday The opening of the new Moretto’s branches responds
essentials, ranging from improving water quality to to the need to be a reference point ever closer to the
plastics transformers on site. The on-site presence
cleaning and hygiene products.” ensures a prompt and immediate after-sales service
Dr. Kevin Matthews, CEo of Itaconix, added: “This is through direct presence on the market. Each office
the first commercial step in our joint development engage business partners and technicians equipped of
agreement to collaborate on delivering valuable solutions dedicated vehicles and equipment.A new opportunity
to AkzoNobel customers with the novel performance of to demonstrate the competitiveness and technical
our polymers. We are excited to further strengthen our reliability of Moretto's solutions with a complete range
relationship with AkzoNobel and look forward to combining of auxiliary equipment and automation systems for
their deep application knowledge with our unique feeding & conveying, dosing, drying, storage, grinding,
chemistries to build key product positions in these large thermoregulation, refrigeration and supervising
Plastics News | August 2017 22