Page 20 - Plastics News August 2018
P. 20


          BASF invests in a state-of-the-art surface treatment site in China

             he Surface  Treatment global business unit of the   automotive industry. The latest investment positions BASF
         TCoatings division of BASF, operating under the        as an even more complete solution provider for coatings
         Chemetall brand, invests in a state-of-the-art surface   by adding the surface treatment business operating under
         treatment site in the Dushan Port Economic Development   WKH &KHPHWDOO EUDQG  ´:H DUH ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR VHUYLQJ
         Zone of Pinghu, Zhejiang province, China.  The site    our customers in China with outstanding products and
         which is planned to be completed by 2021 will house    services from a state-of-the-art surface treatment site in
         production, warehousing, a state-of-the-art laboratory   the Dushan Port Economic Development Zone of Pinghu,”
         and administrative offices in an ideal environment     says Jin Hui, General Manager Chemetall China.
         for manufacturing development. This investment will
         strengthen Chemetall’s position in China to deliver the   Transcendia  acquires  Precision
         high level of service and quality solutions customers have
         come to expect from Chemetall. The site is ideally located   Poly LLC
         at the Dushan Port Economic Development Zone of Pinghu,
         which provides excellent infrastructure to this project.    ichigan based Packaging manufacturer Precision

         “For Chemetall, a strong local presence in China is key   IRU ÁH[LEOH SDFNDJLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQV ZDV DFTXLUHG WKLV
         to servicing our customers and delivering on the ‘expect   week by Transcendia Inc., a Franklin Park, Ilionois
         more’ brand commitment to deliver the best customized     EDVHG ÀUP VSHFLDOL]LQJ LQ FXVWRPL]LQJ SODVWLF ÀOP
         solutions in the surface treatment industry,” states Martin   structures, according to a statement.  The deal
         Jung, Senior Vice President, Surface Treatment. “This   included Precision Poly’s parent company, Spire
         investment will create Chemetall’s most comprehensive   Flexpack Inc. The acquisition “enhances Transcendia’s
         site globally and enhance our customer support and supply   growing food and beverage segment through the
         chain to China. It will contribute to the expansion of a   DGGLWLRQ  RI  FRPSOHPHQWDU\  PXOWL OD\HU  EORZQ  ÀOP
         broad global portfolio across multiple segments, with
         quality and environmentally-friendly products and system
         solutions for diverse market segments. These include

                                                                 technologies and an SQF [safe quality food] rated
                                                                 facility location,” stated Andy Brewer, president and
                                                                 CEO of  Transcendia.  The deal marks  Transcendia’s
                                                                 VL[WK  VWUDWHJLF  DFTXLVLWLRQ  RYHU  WKH  ODVW  ÀYH  \HDUV
                                                                 according to the company. Terms of the transaction
                                                                 were not disclosed. According to Precision President
                                                                 Parnell Olson, the companies’ portfolios of food and
         automotive, auto components, coil, general industry,    LQGXVWU\  SURGXFWV  ´FRPSOHPHQWµ  HDFK  RWKHU   ´:H
         FROG IRUPLQJ  DHURVSDFH  DOXPLQXP ÀQLVKLQJ DQG JODVV µ   are well positioned for growth with the addition
         DGGV  0LNH  :DWVRQ   9LFH  3UHVLGHQW   6XUIDFH 7UHDWPHQW   of  Transcendia’s national infrastructure, diverse
         $VLD 3DFLÀF                                             ÀOP  PDQXIDFWXULQJ  DQG  FRQYHUWLQJ  FDSDELOLWLHV  DQG
                                                                 resources to expand our business,” Olson said in a
         BASF’s Coatings division has frequently invested in China,   statement. Spire Flexpack was advised by Cleveland,
         especially in Shanghai, to further enhance its proximity   2KLR EDVHG EDQNLQJ ÀUP .H\%DQF &DSLWDO 0DUNHWV ,QF
         to customers in the fastest growing region for automotive   DQG $WODQWD   *D  EDVHG  ODZ  ÀUP  )LVKHU%UR\OHV  //3
         coatings solutions. Examples are the first regional     Transcendia was advised by New York City-based law
         Innovation Campus Shanghai as well as a world-scale     &KLFDJR EDVHG FRQVXOWLQJ ÀUP 5LFKWHU &RQVXOWLQJ ,QF
         production facility which supports the growing Chinese

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