Page 40 - Plastics News August 2018
P. 40


          New Zealand to ban single-use                          Vietnam, Malaysia limit plastic

          plastic bags                                           scrap imports

            ingle-use plastic shopping                              ietnam and Malaysia have tightened rules for
          Sbags are to be phased out                             Vimporting plastic scrap as they struggle to deal with
          over the next year in New                              D ODUJH LQÁX[ RI PDWHULDOV WKHUH LQ WKH ZDNH &KLQD V
          Zealand , as the Government                            ban. Vietnam will stop issuing new licences for the
          plans to crack down on the                             import of waste and crack down on illegal shipments
          environmental villain. Prime                           as thousands of containers of paper, plastic and metal
          minister Jacinda  Ardern
          and associate environment                              VFUDS EXLOG XS DW WKH FRXQWU\ V SRUWV  UDLVLQJ FRQFHUQV
          minister Eugenie Sage made                             DERXW WKH HQYLURQPHQW  :DVWH LPSRUWV LQWR 9LHWQDP
          the announcement at Lyall                              and other South-east Asian countries have risen
                                                                 VLJQLÀFDQWO\  VLQFH  WKH  &KLQHVH  JRYHUQPHQW  EDQQHG
          %D\   :HOOLQJWRQ  (YHU\  \HDU  LQ  1HZ  =HDODQG  ZH  XVH
          hundreds of millions of single-use plastic bags – a mountain   the entry of several types of solid wastes from the
          of bags, many of which end up polluting our precious   EHJLQQLQJ RI WKLV \HDU  DFFRUGLQJ WR 9LHWQDP V 0LQLVWU\
          coastal and marine environments and cause serious harm   of Natural Resources and Environment.The authorities
          WR DOO NLQGV RI PDULQH OLIH   $UGHUQ VDLG   :H UH SKDVLQJ   need to "prevent waste from entering Vietnam to keep
          out single-use plastic bags so we can better look after our   the country from becoming a dumping site, affecting
          reputation." The PM said there were viable alternatives   said in a statement The surge in waste imports has
          for consumers and business.  Last year, the Bags Not   caused congestion at several Vietnam ports, with
          campaign was launched by Stuff to bring awareness to   around 6,000 containers now sitting at entry points
          the problem and highlight public support behind action.   WKDW QHHG WR EH KDQGOHG  WKH PLQLVWU\ VDLG  :DVWH
          Ardern said plastic was the single biggest subject school   processing is a supplemental source of raw materials
          children wrote to her about, and this year 65,000 New   IRU  9LHWQDP V  SDSHU   SODVWLF  DQG  VWHHO  LQGXVWULHV
          Zealanders signed a petition calling for an outright ban on   0DOD\VLD V JRYHUQPHQW DOVR UHYRNHG WKH LPSRUW SHUPLWV
          bags.  Refusing to change would have meant there could   of 114 factories that process plastic waste, following
          EH PRUH SODVWLF LQ WKH RFHDQV E\ ZHLJKW WKDQ ÀVK E\ WKH   local media reports of increased pollution in areas
          year 2050, Ardern said.
          The Government has released a consultation document to
          work out exactly what types of bags could be captured
          by the ban. The Packaging Forum, an industry group with
          a focus on recycling said a ban would set a level playing
          million bags out of circulation. Soft Plastics Recycling
          Scheme manager Lyn Mayes said the primary goal of the
          forum was to reduce the amount of plastic packaging used.
          Mayes says the Packaging Forum supports the inclusion of
          compostable and degradable plastics in the proposal. "New
          Zealand does not yet have a standard for compostable   where the factories operated. Malaysian Housing
          packaging, nor does the current infrastructure take most   and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin
          of these products in the volumes presented, which means   said the factories affected will have three months to
          WKH\ ZLOO PRVWO\ HQG XS LQ D ODQGÀOO 5HWDLOHUV   VXFK DV   bring their operations up to speed with international
          &RXQWGRZQ  1HZ :RUOG DQG PRVW UHFHQWO\ 0LWUH    DQG    environmental standards before they can reapply
          Z Energy - have already announced plans to phase out   for the permits, according to a report by national
          the bags.                                              newswire Bernama.

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