Page 10 - Plastics News August 2020
P. 10
Identify new Markets for the Plastics Products in India & Abroad using
Data Analytics Technique
Advent of IT solutions have made organizations rich in 2. Understanding BI tools for fast discovering of insights
data. Still, the full potential of this data cannot be from International Business data of Plastics.
exploited as the decision makers are confronted with 3. How does it help the Plastics Industry?
complex web of analytical platforms.
4. Practical demonstration of various BI Tools.
Data Analytics help the business users to analyze historical
and present data, thereby predicting future trends and A very valid point was brought forward, 'Data in isolation
changes the proposed business model to enhance has no value'
marketing strategies for the Plastic Industry How to correlate data that is lying with you and what is
available in the market, using simple free tools. This
This module presented “Code-less Analytics” of highest
order for the professionals in the field of Plastics. program gave a glimpse of what an organisation can do
with data at their fingertips. After explaining what data
This is done with the modern and fresh Business analytics is all about, Mr Vinit Thakur gave a live
Intelligence tools that have come on the horizon very demonstration of how to find data free online with the help
recently. of a few tools and he showed the people present not just
What did the participants take away? how to use the tools, but also how the same is available for
Ÿ International Business data for plastics through the the Plastics Industry. Many people knew that there are
lens of analytics. ways to get data but were amazed to learn that the same is
also available for the Plastics Industry worldwide.
Ÿ How to evaluate modern tools which allow “fast,
reliable and accurate” discovery of nuggets of Mr. Thakur was a very engaging speaker and his work was
knowledge from data for the plastic professionals. appreciated by many. The number of participants for the
webinar exceeded 200, which is fantastic considering the
Ÿ They learnt how this can be used at the grass root level
COVID -19 situation that we are currently fighting against in
in their organization.
our country.
Ÿ They understood the benefits and challenges in the The Way Forward:
At the end of the program, an email id was shared with the
Ÿ Evaluating application of data analytics in your attendees. A promise was made by the IITC team for the
marketing process.
next 15days only for AIPMA members, to answer queries
Ÿ Quick skills to analyze any marketing and sales related and how to apply data analytics in the business.
Besides this IITC conducts a certificate course of 16 - 18
Ÿ Thoughts on incorporating these skills enterprise wide hrs. on Business Intelligence & Data Analytics. They
for strategic and tactical advantage encouraged people to enrol for this course at a nominal fee
Topics Covered: and spend their time in learning something that could be
useful to their company.
1. What is Machine Learning? Why is it important for
professionals in Plastic Industry?
August 2020 8 Plastics News