Page 23 - Plastics News August 2020
P. 23

Annealing Tips for Semicrystalline Polymers

         For these polymers, annealing is done to establish a    rate of crystallization is not constant across the entire
         level  of  crystallinity  that  cannot  be  practically   temperature range between Tg and Tm (melting point.
         obtained within the parameters of a normal molding      In  many  polymers,  crystals  form  most  quickly  at  a
         cycle. Here's some guidance on setting annealing time   temperature approximately midway between these two
         and temperature.                                        extremes. Therefore, to achieve the most efficient rate
         Mike Sepe                                               of  crystallization  in  PPS,  we  would  use  a  mold
                                                                 temperature of 205 C (401 F). This is a more challenging
         Annealing of amorphous polymers is typically performed
                                                                 mold temperature to maintain,  and the difference  in
         to reduce the internal stress in a part below the levels   mechanical properties between a part produced at this
         achievable  during  the  molding  process.  However,  in   higher mold temperature and one produced at the lower
         semicrystalline polymers the objective of annealing is to
                                                                 mold  temperature  is  relatively  small.  Therefore,  the
         establish  a  level  of  crystallinity  that  cannot  be   typical practice is to use the lower mold temperature.
         practically obtained within the parameters of a normal
         molding  cycle.  Each  semicrystalline  polymer  has  the   However, if the molded part will need to operate at 200
         ability to crystallize to a certain extent that depends   C, exposure to this application temperature will produce
         upon the chemical structure of the polymer chain. HDPE   additional crystallization while the product is in use. We
                                                                 know that as materials crystallize, they shrink. So, a part
         has a flexible, streamlined chain that allows for efficient
         crystallization  to  a  very  high  percentage,  while  a   that goes into the field molded to the proper dimensions
         material like PEEK attains a modest level of crystallinity   and  is  then  exposed  to  very  high  application
         even  under  the  most  carefully  controlled  process   temperatures  may  change  size  while  in  use.  If  this
         conditions.                                             dimensional change creates a functional problem for the
                                                                 product, then it is necessary to stabilize the dimensions
         Optimum levels of crystallinity enhance a wide range of   of the part before it goes into use. This is done through
         properties  that  include  strength,  modulus,  creep  and   annealing. The target annealing temperature is often
         fatigue resistance, and dimensional stability. This last   the midpoint between Tg and Tm. Lower temperatures
         property is very important in applications where very
                                                                 will require a longer annealing time.
         tight tolerances must be maintained in parts that will be
         used  at  elevated  temperatures.  Crystallization  is
         controlled by cooling rate and occurs at a rapid rate
         during  the  fabrication  process.  To  achieve  what  is
         considered to be an optimal level of crystallization, the
         temperature of the mold must be maintained above the
         glass-transition  temperature  of  the  polymer.  This
         promotes  a  level  of  molecular  mobility  that  allows
         crystals to form.
         Crystallization  can  only  occur  in  the  temperature
         window below the crystalline melting point and above
         the glass-transition temperature (Tg). Consider PPS as
         an example. The melting point of PPS is 280 C (536 F)
         while  the  Tg  is  approximately  130  C  (266  F)  when
         determined  from  a  particular  dynamic  mechanical
         property. Therefore, the guideline for setting the mold
         temperature  to  ensure  proper  crystallization  is  a
         minimum of 135 C (275 F). Processors that pay attention
         to  this  requirement  will  typically  select  mold
         temperatures of 135-150 C (275-302 F). But even when
         this  parameter  is  properly  controlled,  the  relatively
         rapid rate of cooling involved in melt processing and the
         limited time that the part spends in the mold will limit
         the achievement of the crystalline structure to about
         90% of what is theoretically obtainable.
                                                                 In  amorphous  polymers  the  annealing  temperature
         One  determining  factor  in  selecting  an  annealing   needs to approach the Tg of the polymer. However, to
         temperature is the maximum temperature to which the     produce  the  desired  result  when  annealing  a
         part will be exposed in application. We know that the
                                                                 semicrystalline  material,  the  annealing  temperature

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