Page 23 - Plastics News August 2021
P. 23


          Clariant Catalysts Expands Its Capacity                                P e ps ic o  Bac ks

                                                                                 Recycling Push In
                                                                                 Latin America

                                                                                                    epsiCo is paying
                                                                                                Pattention to and
                                                                                                investing in recycling
                                                                                                in Latin America,
                                                                                                according  to  an
                                                                                                interview with the
                                                                                                company’s regional
                                                                                                president by Santiago,
                                                                                 Chile-based business information
                                                                                 service provider BNamericas. In the
                                                                                 online interview, Erick Scheel, president
              lariant Catalysts is expanding  meet even the most stringent targets.”   of PepsiCo Latin America Beverages,
          Cand enhancing its capacity for  Clariant’s EnviCat emission control   says his organization is “incorporating
          emission control catalysts to meet  catalysts are proven to remove harmful   more recycled content, making our
          growing global demand, particularly  chemical compounds with an excellent   packaging recyclable, compostable
          in China. The company just recently  conversion efficiency of up to 99% and   or biodegradable and streamlining
          commenced operations at an additional,  beyond. The catalysts are suitable for   packaging material” in Central and
          upgraded production facility in Heufeld,  off-gas abatement in a diverse range of   South  America. The  BNamericas
          Germany, which features state-of-the- applications, from chemical production   article notes that Chile has become the
          art production equipment exclusively  plants to stationary engines and turbines.   first country in the region to pass an
          dedicated to emission control catalysts.  The EnviCat range includes catalysts for   extended producer responsibility (EPR)
          Production capacity for the catalysts has  the removal of various harmful emissions,   law that extends to several different
          been increased to enable a volume growth  including volatile organic compounds   types of packaging. Scheel adds that in
          of 100% compared to 2019. The site,  (VOCs), hydrocarbons, carbon      addition to its plastic recycling efforts,
          which now includes two units, covering  monoxide, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxide,   PepsiCo is examining plastic and glass
          a combined area of 1500 m². The plant  and ammonia. Demand for Clariant’s   reusable container options. Scheel does
          operates under rigorous quality controls,  emission control catalysts has increased   not identify aluminum as a reason,
          and is certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001  dramatically worldwide, particularly in   but also tells BNamericas, “In Latin
          and ISO 50001 standards.  The Heufeld  China, where strict new legislation has   America Beverages, 93 percent of the
          plant is Clariant’s largest research and  been introduced to improve the air quality.   materials we use in our packaging are
          second-largest production site for  In 2020 and the first half-year of 2021, 56   recyclable, and we continue working
          catalysts. The plant’s portfolio includes  chemical producers in the country decided   on solutions for the 7 percent that
          more than 500 varieties of  emission  to upgrade their chemical production   is not. By 2025, 100 percent of our
          control catalysts, such as EnviCat VOC  facilities with Clariant emission control   packaging will be recyclable. We are
          for the removal  of  volatile organic  catalysts. Strong growth comes from   also  incorporating  more  recycled
          compounds, hazardous air pollutants  emission control for applications such   polyethylene terephthalate (rPET)
          (HAPs), and carbon monoxide.Stefan  as propane dehydrogenation (PDH),   content into our bottles across the
          Heuser, Senior Vice President and  as well as acrylic acid, acrylonitrile, and   portfolio.” Scheel also identifies the
          General Manager of Clariant Catalysts,  acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)   ECOCE organization in Mexico as an
          stated, “As governmental emission  production. Here, Clariant’s advanced   ally in that nation. He refers to ECOCE
          control standards are intensified around  technologies help customers meet   as an industry recycling association that
          the world, our customers can rely on the  stringent governmental emission control   “brings together the private sector,
          ample supply of our innovative EnviCat  standards and sustainable development   government and civil society to create
          catalysts to effectively and cost-efficiently  regulations.            a recycling system for packaging of
                                                                                 consumer products.”

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