Page 45 - Plastics News August 2022
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materials require energy for production, effects. Already imposed sanctions such commodities globally and some experts
some more than others such as glass as the US banning the import of all believe it could lead to a rise in recycling.
containers, where they use oil and gas for Russian oil and gas, along with the EU’s “It might drive the industry towards
manufacturing. Any rising oil price will plans to ban all coal imports, industries more recycling because of this big
affect them, not directly but further up across the board could feel the long- push for recycling in the West. If you
the chain. Essentially driving up the price term effects. The rise in energy prices is can’t get raw aluminium supplies, or
of polymer, wood and corrugated cases,” liable to stay at elevated levels as Western it’s very expensive, you’ve got a large
said GlobalData director of packaging Europe attempts to reduce its energy volume of currently non-recycled cans
consulting Dominic Cakebread. dependency on Russia. out there,” explained Cakebread. “It’s a
Russia has reacted by banning the export similar situation with paper. There are
What will be the long-term effects on of more than 200 products including probably going to be shortages because
the packaging industry?
medical, agriculture and timber. Russia of the paper, board and wood coming in
It is uncertain exactly how the packaging and China are two of the world’s biggest from Russia and Ukraine, as it is quite
industry will be affected in the long-term producers of aluminium, with Russia important to Europe. If you increase the
but such actions as companies pulling accounting for 6% of global production. recycling, you’ve already got the board
out from the region and worldwide Tensions between Russia, China and the there without taking out the supplies,
sanctions are liable to have long-lasting West will inevitably affect the price of so I think they will adjust that.”
The Key Trends Moulding The Future Of Packaging
industry, including: advanced materials, deliveries and the use of single-use items.
artificial intelligence (AI), COVID-19, As the pandemic subsides there are global
demographics, direct-to-consumer calls from institutes such as the North
(D2C), eCommerce, environmental London Waste Authority (NLWA)
social governance (ESG), health and and non-profit ocean conservation
wellness, online food delivery and organisation Oceana Canada to cut
robotics. single-plastic use.
GlobalData analyst George Henry told The report says that greater emphasis
s we move forward from the global Packaging Gateway exclusively that must be applied to wean consumers
Apandemic the packaging industry he believes COVID-19, online food off “backsliding” towards single-use
has evolved to adapt to consumers’ new deliveries, ESG and advanced materials items, non-fillable and non-recyclables.
attitudes as well as new ways of doing are the most important of the ten themes The report also states that greater
investment in the post-consumer
business. The packaging industry faces listed within the report. He also argues recycling infrastructure will need to
both new and ongoing challenges. that these themes have experienced the occur to meet demands for plastic
Here, Packaging Gateway explores the most significant changes over the past reduction made at The UN Climate
key trends moulding the future of the two years. Change Conference (COP 26).
industry in 2022 and beyond. Packaging trend 1: COVID-19
“Packaging providers must focus on
Packaging Gateway’s parent company, The effects of the pandemic were upstreaming to “future proof” their
GlobalData published a report on 31 experienced worldwide and prompted solutions. These actions position
March titled: ‘Top themes in packaging a shift in consumer attitudes towards towards greater sustainability through
2022’. It lists the top ten themes shopping. Concerns over virus ethical changes in the supply chain.
shaping the future of the packaging contamination led to a rise in contactless Upstreaming tackles a problem like
45 PLASTICS NEWS August 2022