Page 50 - Plastics News August - 2023
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Registration Open for Extrusion 2023: All about                             New partnership for
         Sustainability                                                                recycling PE film

                                                                                     astenal and Trex have entered
                                                                                  Finto a scrap supply agreement
                                                                                  which is expected to divert an es-
                                                                                  timated 600,000 pounds  of  plastic
                                                                                  from landfills in the first year of op-
                                                                                  Fastenal, a U.S.-based industry sup-
                                                                                  plier, and wood-alternative decking
                                                                                  company Trex  have  announced  a
              heck out an agenda packed with  11, where talks will hone iFilm/Sheet,   partnership  that will see  Trex  re-
          Ctips and best practices and reg-  Pipe/Profile/Tubing,  and  Compound-  purposing Fastenal’s discarded pol-
          ister  to the  conference focused on  ing.  Like  previous  events,  speakers   yethylene (PE) stretch film. PE film,
          helping you get your extrusion busi-  will represent the leading minds in the   widely used in logistics,  stabilises
          ness more sustainable.             world of extrusion, offering you tips,   products on pallets  to make them
          If you’re an extrusion processor, odds   techniques and best practices that you   safe for transport. It also serves as
          are pretty good you have sustainabil-  can put in place to help make your op-  a  protection  against  external  influ-
          ity on your mind. Maybe your compa-  eration more sustainable.          ences such as dust, dirt, or mois-
          ny has implemented internal goals in  There  will  also be opportunities  to   ture, and helps prevents theft of the
          place about utilizing  more post-con-  network throughout the  event with   goods.
          sumer  scrap, become  more energy  peers, speakers, sponsors and table-  Through the partnership, Faste-
          efficient, or taking a look at bioresins.  top exhibitors.              nal is collecting used PE film in its
          Or maybe your customers are requir-  If you register before Sept. 8 you’ll get   distribution centres, branches, and
          ing you to take these and other steps   a $200 discount from the full registra-  customer-specific  onsite  locations
          so that they can meet their own sus-  tion fee. And after that with a mouse   and shipping it to Trex to use the
          tainability objectives.            click you can make your hotel reser-  material in the manufacture of com-
          It is with sustainability in mind that  vation.                         posite decking products. The entire
          Plastics Technology brings you the   Sustainability  is not a passing trend.   portfolio of Trex’s composite deck-
          ninth annual  Extrusion Conference.   Anyone who attended  last year’s K   ing is made from 95% recycled and
          Extrusion 2023 will take place Oct.   2022 show in Dusseldorf knows that   reclaimed materials, including a mix
          10-12 in Indianapolis, Ind. at the Hyatt   the plastics industry is driving hard to-  of PE film, known as pallet wrap in
          Regency. The technical program is in   ward a circular economy. Many brand   the distribution industry, and indus-
          place and registration is open.    owners and OEMs are putting in place   trial wood scrap.
          Like  our previous events,  Extrusion  sustainability requirements  that ex-  "Pallet wrap is vital to our daily op-
          2023 will have general sessions, where  tend through their supply chain. Don’t   erations, but once the product is
          information presented will be applica-  be left behind.                 unwrapped, we have no use for it,"
          ble to all extrusion processes; and an                                  said Dave Olson, director of EHS &
          afternoon breakout  session  on Oct.                                    Sustainability for Fastenal.

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