Page 19 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 19


          Dignitaries sitting on bench made from recycled       o  Mango tree saplings were planted by the
          plastic waste out of recycling machine                    guests as part of a symbolic activity.

          Pellets from Sugar Cane Bagasse: Demonstra-           o  Information  was  shared  about  the  future
          tion of pellets made from sugar cane bagasse,             plantation of these saplings in Jalna, on a 96-
          explaining their use in improved chulhas.                 acre land owned by Keshav Srushti.

                                                                o  AIPMA is sponsoring the plantation of 4,000
          Impact on Tribal Community: The pellets are
          supplied to tribal communities in Palghar, reduc-         trees, including Jamun and Mango, on this
          ing their need to collect firewood and thus sav-          land.
          ing the environment. On average, a local house-       Pellets production demonstration and use in im-
          hold saves 2.5 to 3 kg of firewood per day by         proved chulhas
          using these pellets.
                                                                o  Information  was  shared  about  the  future
          3.  Tree Sapling Planting Activity:                       plantation of these saplings in Jalna, on a 96-

                                                                    acre land owned by Keshav Srushti.
                                                                o  AIPMA is sponsoring the plantation of 4,000
                                                                    trees, including Jamun and Mango, on this

            August 2024                                                                      PLASTICS NEWS  19
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