Page 10 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 10
INDIA 2017
International Plastics Exhibition & Conference
Where the future of plastic is...
JAN 2017
19 20 21 22 23 MUMBAI. INDIA
A Conference on 'Explore the World of PVC' held in Mumbai
The One –Day Conference on explore the World before their
o f P V C ” w a s h e l d o n 1 7 th N o v e m b e r, 2 0 1 6 presentation
at The Lalit, Mumbai. The and called
Conference “Explore the upon stage to
World of PVC” Conference present in the
started sharp at 10.00 a.m. first half of
welcoming distinguish the day. The
speakers and delegates second half
from Industry. was driven by
Mr. Harshad Desai, Chairman – Seminar & Conferences speakers from AIPMA.
AIPMA along with AIPMA President Mr. Haren Sanghavi
welcomed participants, AIPMA Office Bearers and Managing Delegates who attended the conference were from PVC
and Plastics fraternity both and Theysohn Extrusion
Technik India Pvt Ltd was one of the sponsorer for the
Few priority areas of the conference were:
• The Conference aimed at achieving bridging the gap
amongst PVC fraternity and other plastics fraternity.
• Understanding current scenario of PVC market
Nationally & Internationally
• Way forward & Challenges in PVC industry.
Committee. They proceeded further to light the lamp and The vibrant and interactive session
inaugurated the Conference. from Mr. Sunny Jian, Sales Director,
FPC on “Global PVC Market” addressing
Over 180 participants attended, including the Managing the audience on giving world statistics
Committee Members and the Office Bearers of AIPMA. of PVC products usage which was quite
The Conference kicked off with the master of ceremony insightful. He emphasized on giving
Mr. Harshad Desai introducing and calling upon the growth forecast of PVC market for
representative of Formosa Plastics Corporation (FPC) – Mr. next ten years including current status of PVC market of
Hsu –Chih Yen along with the AIPMA President Mr. Haren Taiwan and China.
Sanghavi, and speakers on the dais. Mr. Haren Sanghavi
further welcomed all the guest with an inuagural address. Another speaker Mr. Yu Cheng Chen,
Assistant Department Manager, FPC
All the speakers were introduced one after the other focused on the origin of FPC and how
is their process of suspension and mass
PVC production and emphasizing on
their technology
approach and
existing advantageous product of FPC.
Mr. Hsu-Chih Yen, Senior Engineer
of FPC focused on introducing of
Formosa Processing Aids including the
• December 2016 • Plastics News 10