Page 13 - Plastics News December 2017
P. 13


                                            Media Coverage
 The Economic Times - Mumbai, 2017-11-30  Cropped page                    Page: 3
 CCI NG 3.7 Product: ETMumbaiBS  PubDate: 30-11-2017 Zone: MumbaiCity  Edition: 1 Page: ETMCPG3  User: sandeep.dutta  Time: 11-29-2017  23:10 Color: CMYK
                                                              Pure Politics   3
 Kelkar to Head        SPECIAL COURT VERDICT  J&K Tourism Plans
                       Death for 3
 Body to Study         in Kopardi  Special Xmas Events
 Maha’s Schemes        Rape Case   Movt to bring back
                        Our Political Bureau  tourists to the
 Institute to find out whether the benefits are  Mumbai: A special court in  militancy-hit Valley
 reaching those they are meant for  Ahmednagar awarded death
                       sentences to three men for the
                       brutal gang-rape and murder  HakeemIrfan.Rashid
                       of a school girl in Kopardi in
           KEEPING A TAB   Maharashtra in 2016.  Srinagar: The tourism depart-
                       The Kopardi gang-rape case
           MPRI to provide  had led to the biggest mobili-  ment in Jammu and Kashmir
           comprehensive &  sation of the Marathas as the  has decided to organise mega
                                  events on Christmas and New Ye-
                       victim belonged to the com-
           evidence-based  munity. The Marathas had to  ar in Pahalgam and Gulmarg fol-  BEYOND BORDERS
                                  lowed by a winter snow carnival
           reports on current  unseat  Maha-  in an attempt to bring back tou-  Dept to start niche
                                  rists to the militancy-hit Valley.
                                  The department also plans to
           status of govt plans  Minister  De-  start niche campaigns across  drives across tier II
                          vendra Fadnavis
           and flag off   The case had  from his office.  India’s tier II cities as well as ne-  cities as well as neigh-
                                  ighbouring countries of South
                           After the body of
           shortcomings   led to the  the  15-year-old  Asia and Southeast Asia, offici-  bouring countries of
                          girl was found in
                                  als said. Besides, it is set to rele-
                      mobilisation  July last year, the  ase the promo of a film on Kash-
                      of Marathas  Marathas staged  mir, which it had recently pro-  South Asia & SE Asia
                      as the victim  a protest on Au-  duced, on all major news chan-
                      belonged  gust 9 in Auranga-  nels in the country to counter  ty director (publicity) in the tou-
  Krishna.Kumar  governments initiatives and  to the  bad. The protest  “negative propaganda” on elec-  rism department. Zahoor was  schemes,”said a senior state go-  community  was silent and it  tronic media.  referring to the plunge in tourist
          vernment official.  was led by girls of  “The silver lining is that people  arrivals due to the unrest that
 Mumbai: The Maharashtra go-  The officials added that the  the community with no politi-  never stopped coming to Kash-  followed the killing of militant
 vernment, in a unique intiative,  MPRI would study the best prac-  cal leader being in the fore-  mir, but the numbers went down  Burhan Wani in July last year.
 has set up a policy research insti-  tices, success stories, unsuc-  front. Marches, joined by a  from 11lakh till July 8 to one lakh  As the Valley saw a near-shut-
 tute that will be headed by former  cessful initiatives done by diffe-  large number of women, we-  for the rest of the six months last  down for several months, the cri-
 Union finance secretary Vijay  rent countries and states to arri-  re taken out throughout the  year. There was a steep fall. Ho-  sis forced many hoteliers to lock
 Kelkar, a move that will help keep  ve at the best possible solutions  length and breadth of the sta-  wever, now we hope 2018 will be a  their properties and many peo-
 tabs on the progress of schemes  for Maharashtra.  te by the Maratha community  great year for tourism in the Val-  ple in hotel management in-
 launched by the state govern-  State government officials said  demanding quick investiga-  ley,” said Peerzada Zahoor, depu-  dustry lost jobs.
 ment. The Maharashtra Policy  that the MPRI has been set up  tion and speedy trial.
 Research Institute (MPRI), set up  with a broad mandate to look in-
 in association with the Yash-  to vital issues such as public go-
 wantra Chavan Academy of De-  vernance, economic and fiscal  Mumbai Airport,  EC Worried Over
 velopment  Administration  policy of the state,
 (YASHADA), will study the diffe-  social policy, agri-  Security Beefed
 rent schemes and policies initia-  culture and rural
 ted by the government, and find  development, uba-  Up after ISIS Note  Tripura’s Law Scene
 out whether the benefits are rea-  nisation, etc. The
 ching those they are meant for,  actual topics for
 and will also suggest remedial  The reports of  the MPRI will be  PTI
 measures if needed.  MPRI will   decided by the  Jyoti said, “It is a matter of con-
 Government officials said the  be submitted  priorities of the  Mumbai: Security at the  Bikash.Singh  cern that two journalists were
 MPRI has been set up to regular-  to a high-level  government.  Mumbai airport was heighte-  killed. We directed the state go-
 ly evaluate government sche-  committee  For instance, the  ned after a note about an “ISIS  vernment to improve the situa-
 mes so that they become more ef-  that would be  MPRI will study  attack”  on its  cargo  facility  Guwahati:  Election Commis-  tion and ensure peaceful envi-
 fective. The MPRI will also do po-  chaired bythe  initiatives such as  was found on Wednesday, ac-  sion of India (ECI) led by Chief  ronment.”
 licy research on the areas priori-  Chief Minister,  ease of doing busi-  cording to sources.  Election Commissioner (CEC) A  Jyoti  stated
 tised  by  the  government,  say govt  ness, Make in Ma-  They said a private security  K Jyoti expressed serious con-  that in the sum-
 provide comprehensive and evi-  officials  harashtra,  Jaly-  guard found the note in a toilet  cern over the prevailing law and  mary revision of
 dence-based reports on their  ukta Shivar Abhi-  in the cargo section around 6  order situation in Tripura.  voter list around
 current status, and flag off  yan and the scheme of minor fo-  pm and it read “attack the car-  ECI directed Chief Secretary  28073 duplicate,
 shortcomings from time to time.  rest produce to be given to  go on 26.01.18 or anytime - ISIS”.  Sanjeev Ranjan and Director Ge-  The state has  false and dead
 “We had a need to set this up be-  gramsabhas, all initiated by the  neral of Police A K Shukla to im-  voters were dele-
                       Bomb disposal teams of the
 cause the current research met-  Maharashtra government.  airport guarding force CISF  prove the law and order scenario.  witnessed  ted. Final electo-
                                            death of two
 hods consume a lot of time and  State government officials in-  and police are scanning the  The Left-front ruled state is going  journalists in  ral roll is sche-
 as well as human and financial  sisted that this is not just anot-  spot and contents of the note,  to assembly polls early next year.   the last two  duled to be pub-
 resources. The MPRI will strive  her committee. “We have roped  the sources said.  The state has witnessed death of  months   lished on Janua-
 to evolve a method of research  in Vijay Kelkar, and the reports  The cargo terminal area has  two journalists in the last two  ry 5, 2018.
 that conforms with the stan-  of MPRI will be submitted to a  been evacuated and the Bomb  months besides frequent clashes  BJP has demanded an intensi-
 dards of evidenc- based objecti-  high-powered committee that  Detection and Disposal Squad  between the supporters of Left  ve revision of electrol roll.
 vity but at the same time is rapid,  would be chaired by Maharash-  (BDDS) is at the spot, an air-  Front and BJP. The full bench of  Jyoti said according to draft
 solution- oriented. This will also  tra Chief Minister Devendra  port spokesperson said.  ECI reviewed election prepared-  electoral roll, the state has 25.05
 give an unbiased opinion on the  Fadnavis.”  ness in Tripura.   lakh voters.
                                                                            13     December  2017   Plastics News
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