Page 58 - Plastics News December 2017
P. 58


          New material lowers the energy consumption associated with ethylene


            cientists from ExxonMobil and the Institute of Chemical   industrial processes." Ethylene is a vital component in the
          STechnology  (ITQ)  of  Valencia's  Polytechnic  University   production of chemical and plastic products frequently
          and  the  Spanish  National  Research  Council  (CSIC)  have   used in day-to-day life, making the search for alternate
          developed a new potentially revolutionary material which   technologies to separate ethylene from ethane with a
          could significantly reduce the amount of energy and    low energetic consumption turn into a very active field of
          emissions associated with the production of ethylene.   investigation. Although chemical product manufacturers
          This new material, along with other separation processes,   have evaluated a series of alternatives to cryogenic
          could lead to a reduction of up to 25 per cent of the energy   distillation, including new  adsorbents and separation
          currently necessary for the separation of ethylene, as well   processes, the majority of these alternate technologies
                                                                 are hindered by low selectivity and efficiency, as
                                                                 well as the impossibility to regenerate adsorbents
                                                                 as they decompose with use due to the presence of
                                                                 The new ITQ-55 material is capable of selectively
                                                                 separating ethylene from ethane thanks to its exclusive
                                                                 porous and flexible structure. Created by heart-shaped
                                                                 units  interconnected  by  large  and  flexible  channels,
                                                                 the  new  material  enables  flatter  ethylene  molecules
                                                                 to pass, while negating access to the rounder ethane
                                                                 molecules. Therefore, the new material acts as a flexible
                                                                 molecular sieve.
          as the associated carbon dioxide emissions.  Researchers
          at ExxonMobil and the ITQ have discovered that the new   "The ITQ-55 is a very interesting material, whose
          material,  composed  of  a  silica  zeolite  with  a  unique   unique combination of pore sizes, topology, flexibility
          structure, can be used in gas separation processes such as   and chemical composition leads to a highly stable
          recovering ethylene from currents that contain ethane and   and chemically inert material which is able to adsorb
          ethylene. Zeolites are microporous materials commonly   ethylene and filter out ethane," explains CSIC research
          used for adsorbent and catalytic purposes in chemical   professor Avelino Corma, coauthor of the investigation.
          processes. In the case of the ITQ-55 zeolite, separation is   "We are thrilled with this discovery and hope to continue
          performed with an unprecedented degree of selectivity at   our fruitful collaboration with ExxonMobil," he adds.
          room temperature. Investigation results could also apply
          to the design of new materials to be used as adsorbents   Additional research  must  still  be done  before the
          or membranes in different applications of gas separation   new material can be considered for large-scale
          associated with the fabrication of chemical products.   commercialisation. Further research will be centered
          "Cryogenic distillation, the procedure which is currently   on incorporating the material to a membrane for its
          used to separate ethylene on a commercial scale, is a   industrial use, as well as developing new materials for
          process which consumes a lot of energy," explains Vijay   gas separation. "Our end goal of replacing cryogenic
          Swarup, research and development vicepresident for the   distillation  is  a  long-term  challenge  that  will  require
          ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company. "If this   many more years of research and tests in and outside the
          new material is applied at a commercial scale, it could   laboratory," Gary Casty, head of ExxonMobil Research and
          significantly reduce the amount of energy and emissions   Engineering Company's catalysis section adds. "Our next
          associated  with  ethylene  production.  This  is  another   steps will be focused towards a better understanding of
          excellent example of collaboration between industry and   the potential of this new zeolitic material." ExxonMobil's
          academy, centered on promoting solutions to improve    goal  is  to  improve  industrial  efficiency  to  meet  the
          energetic efficiency and reduce the carbon emissions of   increasing energy requirements of the world.

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