Page 16 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 16

                     “E-INVOICING SYSTEM – ARE YOU READY?”  Held On 1  December 2020

                                                                                KEYNOTE SPEAKERS

                                                                          NIREN SHETHIA  AJAYA KOCHUVILAYIL  KRISHNA VEERATHU
                                                                         Chartered Accountant, LLB  Executive Director,  Associate Director,
                   Webinar on                                                          PricewaterhouseCoopers  PricewaterhouseCoopers
                                                                                         Private Limited  Private Limited
           'E-INVOICING SYSTEM -
              ARE YOU READY?'
                                                                            Media Partner
                                                                                           The Global Plastics Packaging Expo
                                                                                          JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN
                   1  Dec. 2020         4:00 - 5:30                                       19 20 21 22 23  VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                          TUE WED THU FRI SAT
                   Tuesday               PM   PM
         Knowledge Partner:                                      2.  How to comply with e-invoicing – detailed process flow
         Price Waterhouse & Co LLP                               3.  Key  issues  in  the  e-invoicing  process  relevant  to
                                                                    Manufacturers / Goods Industry
         The webinar started with Mr Deepak Ballani, DG - AIPMA,
         introducing the President – Mr Chandrakant Turakhia who   4.  Immediate steps to be undertaken by businesses from
         gave  the  welcome  address  and  Chairman  Governing      a technology standpoint, to ensure timely compliance
         Council – Mr Arvind Mehta, set the tone of the program.    with e-invoicing
         Despite considerable advancement in technology, paper   5.  How PwC can help:
         invoices still seem to have a foothold within businesses,   Ÿ Help you to understand the impact assessment of
         large and small. The introduction of e-invoicing system in   system readiness for e-invoicing;
         India  has  fundamentally  changed  the  way  businesses
         operate, offering an opportunity to move from archaic       Ÿ Provide  technology  solutions  to  assist  in  the  e-
         invoicing  practices  to  all  new  electronic  real  time   invoicing process and integration with ERP.
         exchange of invoicing data. Businesses (crossing a certain   Our experts Mr. Niren Shethia, Chartered Accountant and
         turnover  threshold)  are  now  required  to  report  their   Mr.  Krishna  Veerathu,  Associate  Director,
         transactions to the Government, even before it goes to   PricewaterhouseCoopers  Private  limited  shared  their
         the counter party!                                      knowledge and insights with us so we can apply it for a
         The  Government  has  successfully  introduced  the  e-  better understanding and development of our businesses.
         invoicing system for Companies with turnover of more    After the presentations by the experts, the floor was left
         than INR 500 crores from 1 October 2020. Furthermore,   open for Q/A round to provide the participant a direct
         the Government has recently notified the applicability for   opportunity to interact and clear their doubts with the
         businesses with turnover more than INR 100 crores with   expert.
         effect  from  1  January  2021,  which  will  eventually  get
                                                                 Target Audience
         introduced for all businesses in due course of time.
                                                                 Business Owners, C- level Executives, Directors, Partners,
         As  this  is  a  major  business  change,  an  assessment  of
         system  readiness  and  implementation  of  required    Start-ups & Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Tax and Finance
         changes  will  be  crucial  for  businesses.  Given  the  one-  Professionals and other interested participants.
         month  timeline  for  the  new  system  to  go  live,  it  is   This extremely interactive session was attended by over
         imperative for all the industry players to understand the   100 participants who enjoyed the program tremendously
         criticalities  of  the  new  system  and  undertake  the   and many came forward asking for the contact details of
         necessary immediate actions prior to implementation, to   the speaker to clear their doubts.
         avoid any business disruptions.
                                                                 The session ended with the vote of thanks.
         Key Issues that were discussed: -
         1.  What is e-invoicing system and whom is it applicable

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