Page 50 - Plastics News December 2021
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          Scientists Give New Lease Of  Life To E-Waste                          New  Plastic-

          Plastics                                                               Degrading Enzymes


                                                                                     he number of microbial enzymes
                                                                                 Twith the ability to degrade plastic
                                                                                 is growing, in correlation with local
                                                                                 levels of plastic pollution. That is the
                                                                                 finding of a new study that measured
                                                                                 samples of  environmental DNA
                                                                                 from around the globe. The results
                                                                                 illustrate the impact plastic pollution
                                                                                 is having on the environment, and
                                                                                 hint at potential new solutions for
                                                                                 managing the problem. The new study,
                                                                                 recently published in the scientific
                                                                                 journal mBIO, analysed samples of
             lastics found in electronic waste  maximum value to be recovered from   environmental DNA from hundreds
          P(e-waste) are rarely recycled due  e-waste plastics, but also help to reduce   of locations around the world. The
          to their complex composition and  the amount of plastic waste generated   researchers used computer modelling
          hazardous additives, but scientists at  from  biomedical  research,  said  the   to search for microbial enzymes with
          Nanyang Technological University,  NTU research team. A study in 2015   plastic-degrading potential, which was
          Singapore (NTU Singapore) have  estimated that 5.5 million tonnes of   then cross-referenced with the official
          developed a new use for them -- by  lab-related plastic waste[2], including   numbers for plastic waste pollution
          repurposing  them  as  an  alternative  cell culture dishes, is generated globally   across countries and oceans."Using
          to the plastics used in laboratory  in a year.These new findings build on a   our models, we found multiple lines of
          cell culture containers, such as petri  2020 study led by the same NTU team,   evidence supporting the fact that the
          dishes.The team at NTU Singapore- which investigated the effect of e-waste   global microbiome's plastic-degrading
          CEA Alliance for Research in Circular  plastics on six different human cell types   potential correlates strongly with
          Economy (SCARCE) repurposed the  and found healthy cell growth despite   measurements of environmental plastic
          e-waste plastics, subjecting them only  the hazardous elements to be found
          to sterilisation, before being trialled in  in  e-waste  plastics.  These  findings
          lab experiments.The team found that  inspired the research team to upcycle
          over 95 per cent of the human stem  e-waste plastic scraps and trial them
          cells seeded on plastics scavenged  in advanced cell culture applications.
          from discarded computer components  Assistant Professor Dalton Tay of the
          remained healthy after a week, a  NTU School of Materials Science and
          result comparable to cells grown on  Engineering and School of Biological
          conventional cell culture plates. These  Sciences, who led this interdisciplinary
          findings, described in a study published  study, said: "E-waste plastics contain
          online in the scientific journal Science  hazardous components which may get
          of  the Total Environment, indicate  released into the environment if not
          a potential new sustainable use for  disposed of properly. Interestingly, we   pollution a significant demonstration
          e-waste plastics, which account for  found through our studies that certain   of how the environment is responding
          about 20 per cent of the 50 million  e-waste plastics could successfully   to the pressures we are placing on
          tonnes of e-waste produced worldwide  maintain cell growth, making them   it," says Aleksej Zelezniak, Associate
          each year. Repurposing them for cell  potential alternatives to the cell culture   Professor in Systems Biology at
          culture in the lab would not only allow  plastics used in labs today."   Chalmers University of Technology.

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