Page 57 - Plastics News December 2022
P. 57


          India’s value-added plastic industry lacks the scale to meet robust overseas
             he ongoing energy crisis in Europe  in Covid cases which sets new high  few months. But, Indian exporters, so
         Thas severely affected manufactur-  records each passing day. As China  far, failed to cash in on the opportuni-
         ing units across the continent and its  follows a ‘zero-tolerance  policy on  ty which may render them long-term
         impact is being felt across the world  Covid’,  the  eruption  of new  Covid  losses and stretch even to the extent
         including India. Value-added plastic  waves pushed the premier business  of permanent loss of clients.
         manufacturing plants have been strug-  cities  and manufacturing  and  export
         gling  in Europe to meet  even  local  hubs into  lockdowns. The  strict  ac-  “Several  buyers  from Europe,  the
         consumption in spite  of continuous  tion of local authorities invited violent   United States and elsewhere want to
         growth in demand. Export orders to  protests  across several  cities which   deal with Indian producers. We don’t
         other countries have been cancelled,  disrupted the manufacturing and trad-  have the scale to meet their demand
         obviously because  of the  exorbitant  ing of products including value-added   and capture the opportunity. Fresh in-
         increases in the manufacturing cost  plastics.                          vestment in the Indian plastic industry
         that emanated from spiralling energy                                    was very slow in the past few years
         costs.                              With scarce availability  from China,  due to low profitability mainly in the
                                             European consumers are looking at  MSME segment  and hence,  could
         China has successfully  grabbed the  sourcing value-added plastic products  not achieve the scale it deserves. As
         opportunity and captured a large  from alternative sources, of which In-  a result, India’s plastic export growth
         European market share in the value-  dia has proved as a preferred location.  remained stagnant for the last several
         added plastic  segment.  But  China  For Indian plastic exporters, enquiries  years,” said Arvind Goenka, Managing
         is now surrounded by a resurgence  and orders have multiplied in the last  Director, RMG Polyvinyl India Ltd.

         ON A SLOW LANE

         India’s plastics exports (US$ billion)

              Financial year       Raw materials     Value-added products        Others               Total
                2021-22                4.23                  8.35                 0.77                13.35
                2020-21                3.34                  6.13                 0.39                9.86
                2019-20                3.46                  6.29                 0.26                10.01
                2018-19                4.53                  6.24                 0.25                11.02
                2017-18                3.27                  5.35                 0.23                8.85
                2016-17                2.55                  4.76                 0.25                7.56
                2015-16                2.51                  4.88                 0.25                7.64
          Source: The Plastics Export Promotion Council (Plexconcil)

          Data compiled by the  apex indus-  billion in the previous year. The first  India’s shipment of value-added plas-
          try body the Plastics Export Promo-  Covid wave erupted in India in March  tic products also jumped by a stagger-
          tion Council (Plexconcil), under the  2020  which  followed lockdowns  ing 36.13 percent to US$8.35 billion
          Ministry of Commerce and Industry,  across the country and disruption in  in  the  financial  year  2021-22  com-
          showed India’s total  plastic  export  manufacturing and trading activities.  pared to US$6.13 billion in the previ-
          skyrocketed  by 35.40  percent  to  Covid spread throughout  the  world  ous year. Similarly, plastic raw materi-
          US$13.35 billion in the financial year  also impacted India’s plastic exports  als exports jumped by 26.55 percent
          2021-22 from a low base of US$9.86  in the financial year 2020-21.     to US$4.23 billion in the financial year

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