Page 42 - Plastics News February 2018
P. 42
European recycling capacity ACMA pushes composites in
expands Trump infrastructure plan
urope's installed capacity for recycling flexible he American Composites Manufacturers Association
Epolyethylene has been increasing significantly over the Tmet the President Donald Trump to have some
last years, according to the figures from Plastics Recycling amendments that would include composites in the
Europe (PRE). According to PRE, since 2015, the installed governments’ plans for a $1.5 trillion infrastructure
capacity for recycling flexible PE has grown approximately rebuilding program. “Our hope is that in the
from 1.5 million metric tons per year to 2.3 million tonnes infrastructure act it will create some awareness of
per year. With an extrusion capacity of 7.4 million tonnes the value of what they are calling innovative materials,
and that's a key phrase. It's a watershed time," said Tom
for flexible PE, the EU recycling rate for the materials is Dobbins, president and CEO of the American Composites
roughly 31 percent, PRE said. In an analysis of 174 plastics Manufacturers Association. "The American people's
recyclers across Europe, five countries — Spain, Germany, attention to infrastructure has probably never been
It a ly, Polan d higher since Eisenhower built the Interstate [highway]
and F r ance system.” he added. ACMA argues that composites,
— contribute which sometimes have a higher initial cost, are cheaper
to the most to over the product life because they last longer and need
PE recycling in less maintenance. Dobbins said such life cycle analysis
the continent. of different materials is "politically controversial,"
Spain with 18 but he contends it favors composites if government
percent of the procurement can use it more widely."Composites
total recycling win in a life cycle assessment because we're going to
last so much longer," he said. ACMA came armed for
capacity, topped its government meetings with specific requests, like
the list, closely funding to develop federal government standards and
followed by testing for using composites, similar to what steel has.
Germany at 17 percent, Italy at 13 percent, Poland at They also pushed things that could be independent
10 percent and France 6 percent. The five countries, of any new government money, such as legislative
according to PRE, represent nearly two-thirds of the language that encourages use of "innovative materials"
installed recycling capacity across the continent. in government infrastructure projects like roads,
bridges, dams and harbors.
In terms of sources of the flexible PE plastics waste,
commercial and retailer waste contributed 43 percent,
followed by "production waste," agriculture waste and Queen Elizabeth says No to
household packaging. Commenting on the figures, Ton
Emans, PRE president and chairman of the PE working single-use plastic
group, said the plastics recycling sector had been very
dynamic in Europe in the last few years. According to ueen Elizabeth II has reportedly banned plastic
Emans, Europe’s Circular Economy Package and the Qstraws and bottles from the United Kingdom's royal
Plastics Strategy as well as China’s ban on waste imports estates as part of Buckingham Palace's new waste plans.
have driven investments in sorting and recycling plants. A spokesperson for the U.K.'s royal family told the
This is especially the case for household flexible plastics press it was "committed to reducing its environmental
waste, according to Emans. While the latest technological impact," adding that "at all levels, there's a strong
developments enable efficient sorting, washing, extrusion desire to tackle this issue."Buckingham Palace, Windsor
and filtering of the plastics, Emans pointed out that much CastleGlass bottles will replace plastic equivalents in
effort was still needed in terms of “design for recycling.” meetings and on-site cafes while non-biodegradable
“Multilayers materials remain unrecyclable and thus there food packaging and plastic straws are also set to be
is a need to move to monomaterial alternatives which phased out. The new measures will affect Buckingham
can be recycled. This will enable further developments in Palace, Windsor Castle and the Holyrood Palace, the
recycling of flexible plastics in Europe,” he added. official residence in Scotland.
Plastics News Feb ruar y 2018 42