Page 16 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 16

AipmA At work

                                  Abhishek Despande, Co-        onslaught on plastics. He also said that China has all
                                  Fou n de r, Re cyk a    the answer when it comes to managing plastics waste
                                  educated the forum on digital   efficiently and how, he said China’s National sword govt
                                  framework created by his      program implemented from Jan 1, 2018 and the closure
                                  company Rapid Due Technology   of world’s largest garbage dump processing which is 7.5
                                  as an idea to create hassle-  million tons of garbage and 80% of them includes plastics
                                  free waste management. He     waste.
                                  said, to certain extent waste   In UN, World Environment Day 2018 program celebrated
                                  management could be curbed    with objectives to eliminate “Single Use Plastics”
                                  using digital platform and
          market place; which can create ecosystem of recycling   And “Clean Seas Campaign” however neither the govt
          by creating awareness at consumer level giving incentive   nor the NGOs and organisations working towards this
          based scheme (from household to waste pickers to DRCC   initiatives has any clarity as what is single use plastics.
          material recovery facility to recycler).              He shared his concern that challenges to sustainability
                                                                is increasing burden on environment by “End- of- Use”
          He emphasized digital technology has a great potential to   objects and materials in a “Throw- away” Society.  It is
          brings all stakeholders on one platform aggregating their   all PERCEPTION, he says.
          sporadic efforts, ultimately leading to empowerment of
          each fringe element in this informed industry.        He also said that value creating at recycling waste today
                                                                is value destructing. No value creation by recycling very
                                  Padmashri Dr. Swaminathan     often there is value destruction. See the buyback price
                                  Sivaram  said  India  is  only   printed on every plastics bag. Poor segregation
                                  country who sells milk in
                                  plastics pouches; it was an   leads to co-mingled waste of low value and poor efficiency
                                  innovation but today it is    of rag pickers. There is insignificant investment into these
                                  not due to no robust system   technologies recognize that recycling only postpone the
                                  in managing plastics waste.   problems and does not solve at grassroots level. End of
                                  He said nowadays the image    life issues still has to be address.
                                  is such as No Plastics –No    Panel discussion was moderated by Hiten Bheda,
                                  Pollution  all  over  the  city,   Chairman- Environment Committee of AIPMA on EPR and
          which is based on perception but it, is a reality also; Till   what is the challenges and way forward and solutions
          the time this slogan does not go off from all over the city,   along with panellist.
          we haven’t achieved anything till then.
                                                                Vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Satyajeet Bhonsle,
          He said the EPR concept emerged in Sweden as moral    Sustainability Division of Reliance Polymers
          philosophy and why this triggered here led to increasing

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