Page 21 - Plastics News February 2021
P. 21

AipmA At work

          Recent MSME Policy Initiative and Atmanirbhar Scheme

             IPMA    in  association  with   YES  Bank  had  organised   and wealth. Even though these industries and enterprises
          Aa webinar  on February 18,2021  to discuss recent    form the backbone of our economy, they too need
          MSME Policy . After two very successful sessions with YES   assistance and protection from other multinationals as
          Bank, this was the third session of the series. It has been   they lack in resources and technology. To overcome this
          a great collaborative effort from both the sides to help   and help the MSME perform their best, the government
          and provide MSME’s with the required knowledge and    offers certain schemes, policies, rebates etc. for these
          understanding of various policies and schemes for their   enterprises.  But  to  obtain  maximum  benefits  of  these
          growth and development.  Our experts for the evening   schemes  and  policies,  we  should  have  full  and  proper
          were:Mr. Vikesh Agrawal, Chartered Accountant, Ms.    knowledge and understanding of these.
          Radhika Piplani, Economist and Assistant Vice President,    ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan’, is being hailed as major
          Business Economic Banking, YES BANK                   fiscal policy and relief measure package to assuage India’s
          Successful businesses are the ones who are well informed.   economic predicament amidst the pandemic with specific
          More so on Govt. policies, changes, benefits linked to those   emphasis on MSME revival. And there are many others
          and more importantly how the benefits can be received.  which could be useful for the industry.
          Micro,  Small  and  medium  enterprises,  or  what  in  the   Also, to excel and achieve success in our businesses,
          popular parlance are called MSMEs, has long been accepted   Global economy and global opportunities available play
          as the engines of economic growth and development. The   a significantly important role too.
          impact of MSMEs in the global economy is a very crucial   Key takeaways:
          role in the construction of a society. The reason is that they   Basics of MSME – new definition of MSME, criteria for MSME
          not only provide ample job opportunities to the different   qualification
          strata of the society but also ensure the flow of money   Benefits of MSME/Atmanirbhar Scheme
          across the various levels of society.
                                                                Udyam Registration
          Therefore, it is essentially important to look for more and
          more opportunities in the described area.             Life  cycle of an  MSME  and  various scheme/benefits  by
          Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a     MSME ministry at various stages
          major role in most economies, particularly in developing   Current economic outlook in context of MSMEs
          countries. MSMEs account for the majority of businesses   Global economy and opportunities for MSMEs.
          worldwide and are important contributors to job creation   The program started with Mr Haren Sanghavi- Past
          and global economic development. They represent about   President AIPMA, introducing Mr Arvind Mehta – Chairman
          90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment     Governing Council AIPMA who set the note for the program.
          worldwide.                                            After the presentations by the experts, the floor was left
          Moreover, they have helped in industrialization of rural &   open for Q&A round to answer any doubts the attendees
          backward areas, thereby, reducing regional imbalances,   may have. The webinar was attended by over 200 people
          assuring more equitable distribution of national income   from the Plastic Industry. The session ended with the vote
                                                                of thanks.

                                                                               21     Februar y 2021     Plastics News
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