Page 10 - Plastics News February 2022
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          AIPMA's Virtual Post Union Budget 2022-23 Interactive Meeting

          Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan Attorney’s

              IPMA had arranged  a  Virtual   Tax, Customs Laws & Procedures to  the knowledge of the law with industry
          Adiscussion on  fiscal Union Budget  analyse the tax implications of the Union  experience to design legal solutions that
          2022-23 on  3  February at  5:00PM- Budget. All the Expert speakers very well  their clients can implement.
          6.30PM The program started with Shri.  explained the most important updates for  Key Takeaways:
          Deepak Ballani – Director General,  the concerned aspects which was very   •   Categories in which changes were
          AIPMA, introducing Shri. Kishore  helpful for the attendees.               made, relevant to the Industry.
          Sampat - President AIPMA and Shri.   Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan is a full-
          Arvind Mehta – Chairman Governing   service law firm based in India. The   •   Benefits of the changes in the new
          Council AIPMA who set the note for   firm has 14 offices and has over 400   financial bill for 2022-2023.
          the program.                                                           •   Changes in different aspects, Viz;
                                             professionals specializing in areas such   Income Tax, Customs Laws and
          Our Experts for the evening were:  as corporate & commercial laws, dispute   procedures.
          Mr. Bipin Kumar Verma, CEO, Mr. Ratan  resolution, taxation and intellectual   After the presentation by the experts, the
          Jain, Partner, Mr. Asish Abraham, Partner,  property. Over the last three decades,   floor was left open for Q&A round to
          Mr. S. Sriram, Partner, Mr. Akhilesh  they have worked with a variety of clients   answer any doubts of Participants.
          Kangsia, Joint Partner and Mr. Ravi  – start-ups, small & medium enterprises,
          Sawana, Joint Partner-  Lakshmikumaran  large Indian corporates and multinational   Mr. Akshat Ladha, Managing Committee
          & Sridharan Attorney’s.            companies. L&S professionals have   Member, AIPMA, the moderator of the
          The event focused on understanding the  experience of working in both traditional   event, handled the question and answer
          key Provisions of the Finance Bill for  sectors such as commodities, automobile,   session with great aplomb & ended the
          2022-2023. The session also facilitated the  pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals and   event with Vote of Thanks.
          delegates to know the effects of the new  modern sectors such as e-commerce,  The Webinar was attended by over 90
          bill in the different aspects like; Income  big data, renewables. They combine  people from the Plastic Industries.

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