Page 39 - Plastics News February 2023
P. 39
tion’s internal shipping process. Just up front for employees to understand Foundation or The Alliance to End
like reusable water bottles are a sus- reuse guidelines and handling of dun- Plastic Waste.
tainable substitution for everyday use, nage but, in the long run, it reduces Ultimately, brands need to embrace
it is also possible for corporations to waste and spending on packaging ma- sustainability authentically and holisti-
create systems in which they can re- terials. cally, analyse their business operations
use their packaging and make their in- Investing in our future and introduce sustainability practices
ternal process more sustainable. from the top down. Sustainable oper-
Corporations bear the responsibil-
Where feasible, FHCS has invested ity of lessening their contributions to ations are the way forward to a new
in returnable transport boxes within plastic waste. Action can be taken by packaging landscape, and when com-
and between manufacturing sites to directly transforming internal opera- panies dedicate energy to this ideation
drastically reduce single-use materials tions and/or supporting the work of – innovative progress will be made.
when transporting products internally. alliances such as The Ellen MacArthur
Such a process takes some education
Environmental charity teams up with McDonald’s to increase public Recycling
InTheLoop fund will aim to support two new projects to introduce or improve their recycling infrastructure using the
inTheLoop toolkit. It is claimed that this in-depth guide on how to roll out a successful recycling on-the-go campaign
aims to help increase recycling rates and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill or incineration.
run similar pilots, installing and testing
a range of bright, colourful and eye-
catching bins that aims to make it as
easy as possible for people to recycle
empty glass, plastic bottles, cans, and
in some cases coffee cups, and there-
fore improve recycling rates. Across
all these IntheLoop pilot projects,
over 500 bins have been rolled out
and over 2.5 million plastic and glass
bottles and cans were collected and
Gavin Ellis, co-founder of Hubbub,
said: “Recycling on the go continues
to be a significant challenge, with
he new funding has been provid- ties, business improvement districts, less than half of local authorities cur-
Ted by McDonald’s and will grant shopping centres, major property rently having on-street recycling sys-
the two successful applicants £8,000 owners and transport hubs are invit- tems. Previous #InTheLoop trials
each to invest in, and boost, anti-litter ed to apply. The application deadline have helped us define an effective ap-
and recycling facilities. As well as the is 17 March 2023. proach to out of home recycling, so
funding, Hubbub will provide ongoing First trialled in Leeds in 2018, with we’re delighted that additional fund-
support based on the charity’s exper- support from McDonald’s and other ing from McDonald’s will enable two
tise and experience in delivering recy- businesses, the charity believes #In- more organisations to trial #InTh-
cling campaigns. This includes support TheLoop is the UK’s biggest collabo- eLoop interventions in their area to
with project management and design rative approach to boost recycling help address littering, boost recycling
to help bring their projects to reality on-the-go. Subsequently, Swansea, rates and reduce waste sent to landfill
and to support their delivery. Edinburgh, Dublin, Wimbledon, Tel- or incineration.”
Organisations such as local authori- ford & Wrekin and Lambeth have all
February 2023