Page 44 - Plastics News January 2017
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FEATURES                                                              10

                                                                                         INDIA 2017

                                                                                  International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

                                                                          Where the future of plastic is...
                                                                                  JAN 2017
                                                              19  20  21  22  23  MUMBAI. INDIA

India will have 225 million metric tonnes of fly ash          the achievement of sustainable development goals.
available for re-use by 2032. At present, there are 8.7       However, the transition is pegged with challenges: trade
million end of life vehicles, which will be 22 million by     barriers in reverse logistic chains, consumer preferences,
2025. It is estimated that one sharing car on the road        mis-labelling of re-manufactured goods and volatile
can take up to 20 privately owned vehicles off the road.      material prices.

Incredible saving                                             New skills, systems thinking and modelling to guide
                                                              behavioural changes among stakeholders would
Only one-fifth of 73 million tonnes of textiles consumed      be required. Unless we put price on the negative
worldwide are recycled each year. According to Fashion        externalities and change perceptions regarding the true
Revolution, every tonne of discarded textiles reused saves    value of natural resources, achieving a circular economy
20 tonnes of CO2 and every 1,000 tonnes of used textiles      state may be difficult.
collected creates seven full-time jobs and 15 indirect jobs.
                                                              A number of enabling conditions will help India transition
Circular thinking in the food industry can help reduce        to a more regenerative and restorative economy. These
food waste and capture value in cascading bio-refineries.     include financing, education, industry collaboration
India’s substantial organic waste streams can create          platforms and true valuation of processes. India’s e-waste
business opportunities in cosmetics, livestock feed and       rules and plastic waste management rules with focus
food additives.                                               on extended producer responsibility will promote the
                                                              integration of environmental costs. Many industries in India
In consumer electronics, innovation can help keep             have already adopted responsible internal practices such
devices alive longer. The repair and resale market has        as lean systems and supplier engagement programmes.
a vital role to play. India’s legislation already places
responsibility on producers to make options available for     Waste streams have to be documented and critical
consumers to return devices. Global ocean biodiversity        points identified for capacity development and technical
is severely affected by pollution. According to Science       re-alignment of the informal sector which contributes
Magazine, in India every year approximately 0.60 million      positively towards growth. For example, because of the
tonnes of plastic waste goes into the oceans. Plastic tar     presence of the informal sector, almost 60 per cent of
roads can serve as a readymade landfill for ubiquitous        plastic is being recycled in India compared to a mere 6.5
urban trash such as shopping bags and foam packaging.         per cent being recycled in the US. Special programmes to
There are more than 21,000 miles of plastic roads in          empower stakeholders, especially women, in the waste
India. Every kilometre uses the equivalent of a million       management and recycling business will help reinforce
plastic bags, saving around a tonne of asphalt and costing    the social and professional appreciation of the informal
about 8 per cent less than a conventional road.               sector. Including waste management in school curricula
                                                              and leveraging the interest of various stakeholders in
For greater traceability along the supply chain,              policy conscripting will help achieve the objectives.
companies need to track their waste beyond company
boundaries. One global consumer giant is in the process of    A vibrant circular economy will help businesses integrate
environmental remediation of damages inflicted 15 years       life-cycle thinking and resource optimisationand change
ago while disposing of 5.3 tonnes of mercury-tainted          the way they design, buy, make, sell, and collect
glass scrap. Correct labelling of product lifespan will       their products; consumers will be more conscious of
help promote a repair culture and oblige manufacturers        sustainability impacts and contribute to building a better
to share the recycling costs of products with planned         working world.
                                                              The writer is Kuwait market leader for EY’s Climate Change
The end benefits                                              and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) practice.

Transitioning to a circular economy would bring economic,                                                      Courtesy The Hindu
environmental and social benefits and contribute towards

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