Page 60 - Plastics News January 2017
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Product NEWS                                                          10

                                                                                         INDIA 2017

                                                                                  International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

                                                                          Where the future of plastic is...
                                                                                  JAN 2017
                                                              19  20  21  22  23  MUMBAI. INDIA

Uflex developes ASEPTOTM                                      dairy and distillery products) are filled and packed in the
                                                              packages. Good surface material coupled up with superior
India's flexible packaging materials and solutions            graphics enhances the brand equity on retail shelf. The
  company Uflex has unveiled ASEPTOTM its Aseptic             packaging increases shelf life of the product also saving
Liquid Packaging Brand. Uflex’s Aseptic Liquid Packaging      from the dependency on cold chain besides enunciating
manufacturing plant that will be commercially operational     ease of handling for the marketers and consumers alike.
by April 2017 perfectly echoes Government of India’s
                                                              Launching ASEPTOTM, Mr. Ashwani Sharma, President
Make In India ethos. ASEPTOTM is derived from the             & CEO, New Business Initiatives, Uflex Limited said,
word aseptic which means sterile. Aseptic packaging           “Aseptic Packaging market in India is majorly classified
ensures that food remains free from bacteria and other        into 3 segments i.e. Juices, Dairy Products and Liquor.
harmful microorganisms for a period of at least 8 months      Packaging of flavoured milk, other dairy items and
under room temperature. Aseptic packages are made by          liquor in Aseptic packaging material will play a key role
laminating Polyethylene with paperboard and aluminium         in propelling the growth of aseptic packaging in the
foil. This multi-layered construction enables the carton      coming years both in India and overseas. Commenting
to protect the contents from various factors responsible      about the investment that has gone into the upcoming
for spoilage, thereby preserving the product freshness        aseptic packaging manufacturing plant, Mr. R.K. Jain,
and value.                                                    Group President (Corp. F & A), Uflex Limited said, “The
The aluminum foil layer is a strong barrier for O2 and        aseptic packaging manufacturing plant is coming up on 21
light and the innermost layer made of polyethylene            acres of the 72 acre land parcel that Uflex has bought at
makes it possible to seal- through the pack. The paper        Sanand, Gujarat. Remaining land may cater to any future
layer provides stiffness, making it possible for the cartons  expansion of Uflex’s existing business as well as for aseptic
to assume a brick shape thereby enabling maximum              packaging manufacturing as the need be. Upholding our
utilization of the available storage and transportation       commitment towards environmental sustainability, the
space. Printing, creasing and punching of Paper Board         aseptic packaging manufacturing
is done on the printing machine. This is followed by the      facility has been designed to be a
lamination of Paper board on the extrusion machine with       zero discharge plant. Solar panels
Aluminium film and a different type of Polyethylene. The      and Passive Architecture-Envelop
rolls from the Lamination machine are converted to rolls      Insulation have been used to preserve
of smaller width as per the required size of packages i.e.    natural light besides conserving
200 ml, 100 ml, 1000 ml etc. The finished rolls are sent to   power energy.
the customer where these rolls are run on the forming and
filling line and the desired products (juices, milk, other    The investment towards the Aseptic
                                                              Packaging plant is INR 580 crore
                                                              (approx. USD 85 million) and once operational, it will
                                                              employ around 250 people. Our total investment over the
                                                              next two-three years is INR 1500 crore in a phased manner.
                                                              This already includes INR 580 crore towards setting up the
                                                              Aseptic Packaging Manufacturing Plant. The balance will be
                                                              utilized for modernization of manufacturing systems and
                                                              processes and R&D towards yet better flexible packaging
                                                              solutions using the most contemporary technology. From
                                                              the current Top Line of USD 1 Billion we are very positive
                                                              of doubling up in the next three-four years.”

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