Page 70 - Plastics News January 2017
P. 70

10                       INDIA 2017

                                                                                                    International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

                                                                                                    Where the future of plastic is...
                                                                                                            JAN 2017
High         Performance                      Lubricants       &  Cleaning         Age19n20t2s1     22  23  MUMBAI. INDIA

is a rapid dry,            is a rust           reduces the           is a multi-     is a bright
  anti-stick,             preventive           friction and          functional     Zinc Instant
                                               sticking that      fluid based on
mould release                mould              can cause         synthetic oil &        Cold
agent for cold             protector           pre-mature             multiple      Galvanize. It
                         spray which                                               is an excellent
    and hot             on application             wear,              organic        product for
 moulds with             forms a thin         breakage and            inhibitor      touch-ups,
 both silicon               coating
                          preventing             seizing of            which         scratches,
   and non-               humidity &           ejector pins.      prevents rust    dents, welds,
 silicon base              corrosive          It helps in the     & corrosion by
(food grade)             atmospheric           reduction of                            wear or
                            effects.            production            creating        machined
                                              downtime if a         protection     edges and on
                                                                                   aluminum and             vividhart; +919820036041
                                                 machine               barrier       other high
                                               needs to be        against water     shine metal
                                               stopped for                           substances
                                               replacement          & oxygen.       specially for
                                                of broken
             Visit us:                                                                  mould
                                                    pins.                              external

             Date: 19th - 23rd January 2017
             Venue: Bombay Exhibition Center
             Hall No. 3 Booth No. I-1

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