Page 13 - Plastics News January 2018
P. 13

AipmA At work

             •     Existing antidumping duty on important raw   4.   Additional incentive to the Plastic industry under
                 materials like Polystyrene and PVC etc. should     Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020
                 be abolished immediately and constraints shall      Reference was made to the recent announcement
                 be used while imposing antidumping duties in       by Government of India (as on outcome of Mid-term
                 future on such raw materials.
                                                                    review of Foreign Trade Policy) to offer incentive
             •     Levy of Anti-Dumping Duty on Poly Vinyl Chloride   to labour intensive segments and MSMEs. He was
                 should be removed as 60% of PVC consumed is        informed that the plastic industry in India industry
                 imported in the country in wake of inadequate      spans the entire country and hosts more than 3,000
                 local manufacturing capacity.                      exporters.  It  employs  about  5  million  people  and
                                                                    comprises more than 30,000 processing units, 85-
             •     Antidumping duty when levied or reviewed,
                 should also address the competitiveness of the     90 percent of which are small and medium-sized
                 end products made from the products or by          enterprises. Export of plastic products from India
                 using such machineries subject to antidumping      stood at US$ 7.64 billion in FY 2015-16. During 2015-
                 duty as in most cases antidumping duties are       16, major importers of Indian plastic products were
                 not levied on the end products. This bias makes    US (US$ 652.28 million), China (US$ 480.8 million),
                 the  domestic  processors totally  uncompetitive   UAE (US$ 368.16 million), UK (US$ 271.67 million),
                 against their competitors in other countries who   Germany (US$ 256.2 million), Turkey (US$ 246.86
                 do not have to pay any Anti-dumping Duties on      million), Italy (US$ 208.29 million), Iran (US$ 194.5
                 their raw materials.                               million), Nepal (US$ 141.2 million) and Bangladesh
                                                                    (US$ 136.27 million). Domestic consumption of plastic
         2.  Inclusion of Plastic as one of the focus sector in Make   is expected to touch 20 million Metric Tonnes by 2020.
             in India programme of India Make in India is a major   He was informed that the majority of exporters are
             national programme of the Government of India          under distress due to delay in input tax credit and
             designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation,   IGST refund. They are also facing severe shortage of
             enhance skill development, protect intellectual        working capital due to the delay in refunds. AIPMA
             property  and  build  best  in  class  manufacturing   requested Hon’ble Minister to extend the recently
             infrastructure in the country. The primary objective   announced incentives to the Plastic industry within
             of this initiative is to attract investments from across   the framework of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020.
             the  globe  and  strengthen  India’s  manufacturing
             sector. While 25 sectors have been included in the   5.   Review of Free Trade Agreements signed by India
             programme, the crucial plastic sector has been         with various countries
             excluded. Due to huge potential growth of this         Many  finished  products  of  Plastics  are  imported
             industry, various global companies are keen to         in to India with preferred tariff rates under FTA
             extend their footprints in India. Hon’ble Minister of   making  it  difficult  for  local  processing  industry  to
             Commerce & Industry, Govt of India was requested       remain competitive. This has undermined growth of
             to  include  Plastics  as  one  of  the  focus  sectors  in   manufacturing resulting in to loss of opportunity for
             Make in India programme of Govt of India. This will    employment generation and creating India as sourcing
             create additional employment opportunities, utilize    Hub. Therefore, Government of India should review
             huge talent base in the country and empower various    and  assess  plastic  finished  goods  imported  under
             segments of the industry.                              FTA’s. Following support from Hon’ble Minister of
                                                                    Commerce & Industry was requested:-
         3.  Pre Budget proposals for the consideration of
             Government of India Pre-Budget proposal prepared       •     Government of India may like to review and assess
             by AIPMA for Plastic Industry for the year 2018-19 was     plastic  finished  goods  imported  under  various
             submitted. Hon’ble Minister of Commerce & Industry         FTA’s, which do not meet the specific condition
             was requested to forward and recommend points in           of Rules of Origin.
             the proposal for consideration of Finance Ministry.

                                                                            13       Januar y  2018   Plastics News
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