Page 49 - Plastics News January 2018
P. 49


          Is Plastic Industry Eco Terrorist?

          The MoEF wants to draw the plan for phasing out the litter problem and before it is implemented, State
          Governments want to ban the plastics use

             hese days there is a different type                ago, there was a news item which said that there were 55
          Tof race amongst all the states and                   kg of plastic bags found in the abdomen of a cow which
          the politicians. Everywhere there is                  died because of eating of plastic. 55 kg of plastic would
          only one agenda: ‘Ban the plastic’. The               have amounted to about 30,000 bags of such thin bags.
          plastic industry is being treated like                The posters went up proclaiming “GOHATYA BY PLASTIC”.
          eco terrorist.  Surprisingly, those who                Government has passed the law to ban the plastic bags
          do not approve of this ban, start talking   Professor D.D.Kale,  of thickness less than 50 microns. Chemically there is no
          about how plastic is good and eco friendly.  At the same   difference between 6 micron bag or 50 micron bag or 100
          time, those who manipulate or enjoy such bans, try to   micron bag. The rag picker will find easy to pick up thicker
          equate every plastic material as carcinogenic and much   50 micron bag rather than 6 micron bag. This policy is not
          unhealthier. Most of the times, the conclusions drawn from   implemented properly for several reasons. There could be
          reports published in the literature may be taken out of   some problems on the part of implementing authorities.
          context. The central Government wants the industry to   This never received much attention. But today most sates
          implement solid waste management rules 2017.One such   want to ban plastic bags, plastic table cloth, plastic films,
          example is recent battle against use of lead stabilizers in   plastic forks, knives, plates, water bottles and many such
          pipes. The amount of lead stabilizers added to PVC pipes   items. Have these politicians realized that if plastic film
          and fittings could be around 2 to 4 %. The lead in these   is banned, milk supply will come to halt.
          stabilizers is less than 50 % and hence the amount of lead in
          the PVC pipe can be 1%. It must be noted here that lead is   If one lists all the items in which plastic is used, one would
          not present as free lead metal but is a chemical compound.   realize that if you remove all plastic, you may not live
          Thus lead is bound chemically with other elements.  The   in modern style. Computers, mobile, non stick utensils,
          lead in water flowing inside the pipe may find some lead   rain coats, credit cards, water bottles, TV, ceiling fans,
          compound and the lead in this water is found to be less   electric cable and the clothes all will vanish.
          than  few  parts  per  million  parts  of  water  as  per  the   Plastics are recyclable and these are being recycled. It
          standards lead down by World Health Organization and   may be noted here that the foundation of mechanical
          approved by the competent authorities in India. Yet one   recycling  or  in  simple  words  reusing  the  polyethylene
          of the NGOs produced the lead analysis from the pipe and   material by reprocessing the waste items was laid by
          compared it with limits of water flowing inside and coming   Indians. In 1970s, the polyethylene was in short supply and
          out of the pipe. Not only this, there was allegation that   there was a quota system. It was in India that reprocessing
          plastic manufacturers are deliberately using substandard   of used items began successfully. At times there was
          lead and lead compounds to enhance the profits in spite   import of waste material from other countries. However,
          of well laid down Indian and world standards and the strict   it was done for economic reasons and not for ecological
          monitoring from the competent  Government agencies.   reasons. It was not practiced in scientific manner. India

          The thin carry bags made from polyethylene commonly   was using almost 40 to 45 % of recycled polyethylene.
          known as zabla bags are the next item of concern.     Unfortunately, this sector was neglected to some extent
          Yes, littered plastic bag is an eye soar. These bags are   and reprocessed goods prepared in un hygienic manner
          occasionally consumed by the grazing animals and fish   were being used for direct contact food items on some
          and these need not be allowed to litter. Several years   occasions and that gave a some set back to this sector.

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