Page 78 - Plastics News January 2018
P. 78


          Siemens introduces Advanced Machine Engineering

            iemens PLM Software, a business unit of the         published in the journal Scientific Reports. Being able to
          SSiemens Digital Factory Division, has introduced a   match the structure and softness of body tissues means
          modularized product development strategy for machinery   that these structures could be used in medical procedures
          manufacturers, called Advanced  Machine Engineering.   to form scaffolds that can act as a template for tissue
          Siemens officials said it addresses challenges equipment   regeneration, where damaged tissues are encouraged to
          makers face today with increasing product complexity   regrow.Regenerating damaged tissue by 'seeding' porous
          and rapid delivery times. Advanced Machinery Engineering   scaffolds with cells and encouraging them to grow allows
          connects mechanical, electrical and software engineering   the body to heal without the issues that normally affect
          data. Engineers get access to a global prototype, known   tissue-replacing transplant procedures, such as rejection
          as digital twin, that can be tested virtually throughout   by the body.The use of scaffolds is becoming more common
          the development process.                              and varied in its applications, but this new technique is
                                                                special in that it creates super soft scaffolds that are like
          The  engineering  platform  can  increase  collaboration
          and reduce development time, delivery risk and costs.   the softest tissues in the human body and could help to
          Advanced Machine Engineering leverages mechatronic    promote this regeneration.
          design, giving a common framework for mechanical,     In particular, there might be future potential in seeding
          electrical and software disciplines to work in parallel.   neuronal cells; those involved in the brain and spinal
          “With this technology, customers are able to deliver their   cord.The researchers tested the 3D-printed structures
          machines more quickly with higher-quality automated   by  seeding  them  with  dermal  fibroblast  cells,  which
          solutions,”  said Thomas  Strigl,  business  development   generate connective tissue in the skin, and found that
          manager of German factory design company EDAG         there was successful attachment and survival.  This
          Production  Solutions  GmbH.  “For  example,  their   success, alongside previous research, could lead to further
          commissioning time on a real machine could be reduced   possibilities around the successful growth of stem cells,
          up to one-third of the original time.”                which is medically exciting due to their ability to change
                                                                into different types of cells.Additionally, the technique
                                                                could be used to create replica body parts or even whole
                                                                organs. These could be incredibly useful to scientists,
                                                                allowing them to carry out experiments not possible on
                                                                live subjects.

                                                                They could even be used to help with medical training,
                                                                replacing the need for animal bodies to practice surgery
                                                                on.  Zhengchu  Tan,  one  of  the  researchers  from  the
                                                                Department  of  Mechanical  Engineering  at  Imperial,
                                                                said: "At the moment we have created structures a few
                                                                centimetres in size, but ideally we'd like to create a replica
                                                                of a whole organ using this technique."The technique uses
                                                                solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) to rapidly cool a hydrogel ink
                                                                as it is extruded from a 3D printer. After being thawed, the
                                                                gel formed is as soft as body tissues, but doesn't collapse
          3-D printing creates super soft structures that replicate   under its own weight, which has been a problem for
          brain and lungs                                       similar techniques in the past. Dr Antonio Elia Forte, one
                                                                of the researchers from the Department of Bioengineering
          Imperial College London researchers have developed a
          new method for creating 3D structures using cryogenics   at Imperial, said: "Cryogenics is the novel aspect of this
          (freezing) and 3D printing techniques. This builds on   technology -- it uses the phase change between liquid
          previous  research,  but  is  the  first  to  create  structures   and solid to trigger polymerisation and create super soft
          that are soft enough to mimic the mechanical properties   objects that can hold their shape. This means that the
          of organs such as the brain and lungs. Their technique is   technology has a wide variety of possible uses."

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