Page 24 - Plastcs News January 2019
P. 24
Protest against the recent increase in Power rates
Agriculture sector sops and transmission loss impacting
higher by Rs. 1.50 Per unit MSEDC has increased cost EXHIBITIONS
by Increasing energy charge, Changing fixed charges,
Withdrawing concession
Government provides electricity at a discounted rates in CALENDAR FOR 2019-2020
Marathawada and Vidharba and to the Textile industries for
weaving and knitting and the impact is that the electricity
is Rs. 1 To 1.5 Per unit cheaper
In 2011 industrial consumption of electricity was approx.
n Maharashtra due to recent hike of electricity power 25K million units and target was to reach 40k million
Icharges and power factor penalty, industrial consumers units but unfortunately in 2018 industrial consumption
are receiving bills by more than 25% and plastic industry of electricity was approx. 28K million units in 7 years.
along with metals have electricity as major input thus It shows ill-health of industry in maharashtra and
making it difficult to sustain and viable for production.
opportunities have shifted to other states.
AIPMA has taken this issue seriously and intends to work Chamber of Marathwada Industries and Agriculture (CMIA)
for a solution along with other association of maharashtra.
has filed a Petition dated 12 November, 2018 under Section
Mr Kishore Sampat, VP-West Meeting attended the meeting 62 and 63 of the Electricity Act 2003 read with Regulation
94 and 95 of the MERC (Conduct of Business) Regulation,
The issue was highlighted in our managing committee
meetings and accordingly representation was made by 2004 for seeking clarification about the methodology to
writing to authorities. be followed for determination of Power factor (PF) (lag
or lead) of a consumer in Mid Term Review (MTR) Tariff
On December 27,2018, a meeting was held under cosia Order in Case No 195 of 2017. Launch Edition Edition
at thane, wherein many association from maharashtra Edition
participated to protest jointly with common agenda CMIA’s has requested in its petition that: NIGERIA MYANMAR KENYA
and strategy as it strengthens the objective. On behalf a) The Hon’ble Commission may be pleased to expedite Mar 19-21, 2019
of aipma kishore sampat attended along with other hearing of the Petition and in the meantime, may June 14-16, 2019 July 11-13, 2019
association leaders from maharashtra chamber of further be pleased to pass an interim Order directing Lagos Yangon Nairobi
commerce , Bhiwandi, Roha , Tarapur , Murbad , Taloja, MSEDCL to withdraw with immediate effect the
Nasik , and other MIDC alongwith Laghu Udyog Bharti instructions issued in respect of pf incentive /
attended and supported the cause . penalty;
Expert speakers Dr Ashok Pendse and Pratap Hogade gave b) The Hon’ble Commission may also be pleased to direct
insight into the matter saying MSEDC has turnover of MSEDCL to revise the billing effected in the billing
approx. 70K crore, and asked hike for 34k crore but merc month of September 2018 based on suchinstructions Edition Edition 3 rd
granted approx. 20Kcrore. As per rules more than 10% of pf incentive / penalty and to refund the excess Edition
cannot be hiked thus now hiked 7k crore and balance will amount collected on account of pf penalty; SRI LANKA VIETNAM
be hiked/recovered with interest in april 2020 hike. Thus c) The Hon’ble Commission may further be pleased to SOUTH AFRICA
this is first phase and more hike to follow in april 2020. Aug 9-11, 2019 Feb 20-22, 2020 Mar 3-5, 2020
call suggestions of all stake holders on this issue and
Electricity rate are highest in region. The reason for after giving due consideration to the suggestions Colombo Ho Chi Minh City Johannesburg
higher power cost in maharashtra are:-Maharashtra that may be received, may develop an appropriate
purchases only 30 % fromNTPC/center at Rs. 2.10 Approx and technically suitable formula / mechanism for
per unit balance 70 % from private and other sources implementation of pf penalty / incentive;
thus impacting higher by Rs. 0.50 Per unit as elevated All associations decided to protest with full strength and
purchase cost. Higher operation and management cost next meeting of all association is on 9/1/19 to decide INDIA INTERNATIONAL Organised by
impacting higher by Rs. 0.40 Per unit , Maharashtra has strategy. Narendar Bafna : +91 99529 66752 Sasikumar. B : +91 90030 25103
Rs. 0.90 Per unit and Gujarat has Rs. 0.42 Approx per unit
Vijay. N : +91 97890 95249
Plastics News Januar y 2019 24