Page 16 - Plastics News January 2022
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AIPMA Signs MoU With Haryana Government
kill building has been viewed as The following projects are under the
San instrument to improve the scheme:
effectiveness and contribution of trained -The Short Term Training Program for
work force for the modern industry. the youth of Haryana and place them
To overcome this challenge, The All into plastic manufacture units
India Plastics Manufacturers' Association
(AIPMA) has joined hands with Haryana -Recognise prior learner where existing
Skill Development Mission for skill employees can be re-skilled and
development and skill up-gradation upskilled for further development for
programmes. their own growth.
AIPMA has signed a MoU with Haryana The trained candidates will get the
Skill Development Mission for projects certificate from the Haryana Government
under Skill Development Scheme. under SURYA Scheme.
GMS Bags Silver Award For Recycling Innovations
firsthand feel of the process. We
have therefore installed a pilot
plant at our facility where we
take trials with customer’s waste
material in the presence of the
customer. This material is then
returned to be reused on their
production line and thereafter
converted into an order.”
MS Plastic With Polymer prices going thru the
GM a c hin er y roof, availability becoming scarce,
Pvt. Ltd has bagged and competition demanding lower
Silver Award BW prices.... the only solution for any
Businessworld’ processor is to recycle their own
‘Recycling For a waste and reuse back into the
Greener Tomorrow, production stream.
in the category on Innovations in together like minded people in Waste Recycling is a key component
R ecyclin g Tec h n o lo g y. BW management, sustainability, environment of modern waste reduction which
Businessworld’ has joined hands with and recycling domain. Mechanized and subsequently aims at environmental
‘Glasspower Recycling’, to announce professional waste segregation, whether sustainability by substituting raw material
inputs and redirecting waste outputs
the 1st edition of their annual event it’s plastic, metal, e-waste or municipal into newer and useful products. GMS
‘Recycling For a Greener Tomorrow, waste, is the need of the hour. is offering Italian Technology at Indian
Conclave and Awards 2022. In its GMS Plastic Machinery Pvt. Ltd. is a Prices making it affordable, economical
first Edition Recycling for a Greener joint venture Gamma Meccanica (GM) and user friendly for our customers. No
Tomorrow Conclave & Awards aims to Spa Italy and Satellite (S) Group India. wonder we have an elite list of customers
acknowledge and award the great work Speaking about the Award HarenSangvi with repeat orders to prove that we offer
done in sustainability, environment, waste MD CEO says, “The primary objective the best in terms of processing, the best
management, recycling and up-cycling. is customer satisfaction and this can only in terms of after sales service and even
The main focus of this event is to bring be achieved with the customer having a better in terms of customer relationship.