Page 24 - Plastics News July 2018
P. 24

CompAny news

         Covestro AG to build its own                            ExxonMobil begins Butyl and

         chlorine production plant in Spain                      Resins Production

             ovestro AG is planning to build its own chlorine       xxonMobil has started production of hydrogenated
          Cproduction plant  in Tarragona (Spain) and will use  Ehydrocarbon resin and halobutyl rubber at its
          a  particularly  sustainable  process:  oxygen-depolarized   integrated manufacturing complex in Singapore,
          cathode (ODC) technology,  that consumes around a quarter   the company’s largest integrated refining and
          less energy than the conventional method. At its location in   petrochemical complex in the world. "These new
          Spain, the company is building the first industrial-scale plant   plants enhance the competitiveness and strategic
          based solely on this state-of-the-art technology. Covestro is   importance of ExxonMobil’s integrated manufacturing
                                           currently investing   facility in Singapore, and are part of the company’s
                                           around €200 million   long-term plan for advantaged investments around the
                                           at Tarragona  to      world,” said John Verity, president of the ExxonMobil
                                           increase the site’s   Chemical  Company.  “We  remain  committed  to  safe
                                           competitiveness.      and environmentally-responsible operations as we
                                           The new chlorine      manufacture products that support better living
                                           production plant is   standards and economic progress for a fast-growing
                                           a  key  component
                                           of that. About one
          third of the production costs for chlorine are usually
          spent on energy. Thus, the selected technology makes
          an important economic contribution. “Sustainability
          and energy efficiency played a vital role in choosing the
          process,”  stresses  Chief  Technology  Officer  Dr.  Klaus

          “This is a special success story for us since the development
          of this technology began at our company over two decades
          ago.” Covestro and Thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers   middle class population in Asia Pacific.” ExxonMobil’s
          have developed an innovative technology that consumes   new EscorezTM hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins plant
                                                                 will be the world’s largest with a capacity of 90,000
          around 25% less energy than conventional electrolysis   tonnes per year, and will meet long-term demand
          through the use of an oxygen-depolarized cathode. ODC   growth for hot-melt adhesives used in packaging
          technology  is  based  on  the  conventional  membrane   or baby diapers. The new 140,000-tonnes-per-year
          process, in which chlorine, caustic soda and hydrogen are   butyl plant will produce premium halobutyl rubber
          usually produced from rock salt and water. The crucial   used by manufacturers for tires that better maintain
          difference: The hydrogen-generating electrode normally   inflation to improve fuel economy.Keeping tires
          used is replaced by an oxygen-depolarized cathode.     properly inflated can help save about a billion gallons
          Only chlorine and caustic soda are produced. As a result,   (or 38 billion liters) of fuel and result in an estimated
          a voltage of just around two instead of three volts is   emissions reduction of eight million tonnes of carbon
          required. Construction of the new plant in Tarragona is   dioxide per year, equivalent to the emissions of about
          scheduled to begin in the first half of 2019. Chlorine is   2.5 million cars worldwide.Construction of the multi-
          mainly needed at Tarragona to make MDI. MDI is a precursor   billion dollar expansion project was completed safely
          for rigid foam, which is an excellent insulation material   and on schedule. The project employed more than
          and is used, for example, in buildings and refrigerators   5,500 contract workers at the peak of construction.
          to reduce their power consumption. Compared with the   The  plants add  140  jobs  to  ExxonMobil’s  existing
          conventional method, it cuts CO2 emissions by around   workforce of more than 2,500 at its Singapore
          22,000 metric tons per year – roughly the amount produced   manufacturing  complex.  ExxonMobil  has  more  than
          by 15,000 cars a year.                                 4,000 employees in Singapore.

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