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           MCN/200/2021-2023        July 2021                   IN THIS ISSUE...
           Volume 154               No. 7
                                                                         REGIONAL ASSOCIATION
           Chairman - Editorial Board                                «   $,30$ $W :RUN
           Mr. Chandrakant Turakhia
           Hon. Editor
           Mr. Rajiv B. Tolat                                    :HELQDUV DW $,30$
                                                                 (YROXWLRQ RI 3ODVWLF :DVWH 3ROLF\
           Mr. A. E. Ladhaboy                                    3KDVLQJ 2XW 6LQJOH 8VH 3ODVWLFV 3URGXFWV   $OWHUQDWLYH
           Mr. Y. B. Vasudeo
           Dr. D. D. Kale
           Mr. Mayur K. Shah                                         «    &RPSDQ\ 1HZV
           Mr. Subba Bangera
           Mr. Bhavesh Sheth
                                                                     «« )HDWXUHV
           Editorial Co-ordination:
           Padmesh Prabhune,
           Dhruv Communications, Mumbai, Tel. No: 022 2868 5198 / 5049    The ‘Thooshan’
           Fax No: 022-28685495 Email:
                                                                 ,QGLDQ $PHULFDQ VWXGHQW ZLQV SUHVWLJLRXV DZDUG IRU
           Published by
           Ms. Umaa Gupta on behalf of the owners,               GHYHORSLQJ HFRIULHQGO\ IRDP DOWHUQDWLYH
           The All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association     Plastics for changes - The Project Ghar
           Plot No. A-52, Road No. 1, M.I.D.C., Andheri (E),
           0XPEDL          7HO           ‡ )D[                    7URXEOHVKRRW  +RZ WR *HW 5LG RI %XEEOHV
                                                                 1HZ 7HVW 0HWKRG ,GHQWL¿HV *DV )RUPDWLRQ LQ 0ROGLQJ
           Director General
           Mr. Deepak Ballani                                    &DOO IRU D %LQGLQJ *OREDO $JUHHPHQW WR $GGUHVV WKH /LIH
                                                                 Cycle of Plastics
           Printed by her at:
           Dhote Offset Technokrafts Pvt. Ltd.,                    26...... International News
           Goregaon (E), Mumbai-400 063.

           Annual Subscription      Rs. 1,000/-                      «   %XVLQHVV 1HZV
           Single issue             Rs. 75/-
           Views/Reports/Extracts etc. published in Plastics News are those of
           the authors and not necessarily of the Editor. Furthermore except     «   3URGXFW 1HZV
           for copies of formal AIPMA communications no other matter in this
           journal should be interpreted as views of The All India Plastics Mfgrs.
           Association.                                                « 7HFKQRORJ\

           2IÀFH %HDUHUV
           Mr. Chandrakant Turakhia    President                       « ,Q 7KH 1HZV
           Mr. Kishore P. Sampat    Senior Vice President
           Mr. Mayur D. Shah        Vice President – Finance
           Mr. L. K. Singh          Vice President (North Zone)
           Mr. Anil Reddy Vennam    Vice President (South Zone)
           Mr. Ashok Agarwal        Vice President (East Zone)
           0U  $NVKDW /DGKD         9LFH 3UHVLGHQW  :HVW =RQH

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