Page 40 - Plastics News July 2023
P. 40


          Plastic ‘Muscle’ Pumps Up Soft Robotics
          New ferroelectric polymer outperforms traditional piezoelectric polymer composites in robotic and medi-
          cal device applications.
                                                                                 “This  would enable  us to have  soft
                                                                                 matter  that  can carry a high load in
                                                                                 addition to a large strain. So that ma-
                                                                                 terial would then be more of a mimic
                                                                                 of human muscle, one that is close to
                                                                                 human muscle.”

                                                                                 Soft actuators enabled by this material
                                                                                 could replace traditional rigid materi-
                                                                                 als, allowing for greater flexibility. Ac-
                                                                                 tuators change shape when an exter-
                                                                                 nal force — like an electrical charge
                                                                                 — is applied.
                                                                                 However, ferroelectric  polymer ac-
                                                                                 tuators typically require a very high
                                                                                 driving  field  to  enact  shape  change.
                                                                                 The  Penn State-led  researchers
                                                                                 overcame  this obstacle by develop-
                                                                                 ing  a percolative  ferroelectric  poly-
                                                                                 mer nanocomposite and attaching it
                                                                                 to  polyvinylidene  fluoride  to  create
             obots could soon make use of  polymer composites to create high-    a network  of poles  in  the  polymer:
          Rplastic “muscles” thanks to a new  performance motion controllers. Ap-  The result: Shape change was induced
          ferroelectric  polymer that excels at  plications could include advanced ro-  with less than 10% of the energy typi-
          converting electrical energy into mo-  botics, medical devices, and precision   cally  needed  for ferroelectric  phase
          tion, according to research led by  positioning systems.               change.
          Penn State.
                                             “Potentially we can now have a type   “This  new  material  can be used  for
          The research, published in the journal  of soft robotics that we refer to as ar-  many applications that require a low
          Natural Materials, found  that ferro-  tificial  muscle,”  said  study  co-author   driving  field  to  be  effective,  such  as
          electric polymer nanocomposites can  Qing  Wang,  Penn  State  professor of   medical devices, optical devices, and
          outperform  traditional  piezoelectric  materials science and  engineering.   soft robotics,” Wang said.

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