Page 50 - Plastics News June 2017
P. 50


          Coca-Cola and partners to invest                      Mold-tek Packaging to target

          $ 1.7 bn in Indian agri ecosystem                     food & FMCG sectors for IML

          by 2022                                               containers

             he Coca-Cola Company - along with its bottling partners   he Hyderabad-based Mold-tek Packaging Ltd (formerly
          Tand fruit suppliers and processors in India - will invest  Tknown as Moldtek Plastics Ltd), a manufacturer of
          $ 1.7 billion in the agri ecosystem of the country over the   injection moulded rigid plasticpackaging containers, is
          next 5 years, spanning the entire supply chain from grove   aiming to expand its in-mold labelling (IML) containers
          to glass through a unique concept called the Fruit Circular   business by focusing on fast-growth sectors such as food
          Economy. Close to $ 800 million of this contribution would   and FMCG, in addition to its traditional users such as
          be towards the procurement of processed fruit pulp and   lubes & paintsmanufacturers. Mold-tek claims to the first
          fruit concentrate for  The Coca-Cola Company’s ever   company in India to introduce in-mold labelling concept
          increasing portfolio of juice & juice drinks and carbonated   for decorating plastic containers using robots.
          drinks with juice products in India and the remaining would
          be invested towards creating the required infrastructure.   IML enables photographic quality decoration with
          The company will further expand its juice product range   complete hygienic and hands free production of
                                              with the launch   containerssuitable
                                              ofMinute Maid     for food & FMCG
                                              Pulpy Mosambi     products. “The
                                              o n  Mo nday.     co mpany is
                                              An estimated      moving into high-
                                              200,000 farmers   value  a dde d
                                              will be n e fit   IML decorated
                                              from t h is 5     containers for not
                                              year roadmap      only its traditional
                                              of sourcing fruit   blue chip clients
                                              pulp and  fruit   in paint & lube
          concentrate derived out of 2.10 million tonnes of fruit.   industry, but also

          Coca-Cola in India is working on a transitional journey   increasing  entry  into  food  &  FMCG  industries,  where
          focused  on  creating  a  virtuous  circular  economy  of   IML is proved to be the best option for hygienic and
          sustainable agriculture (horticulture) by using a variety of   food safety standard packaging,” commented J
          Indian fruits in its beverages under the juice and aerated   Lakshmana Rao, chairman & managing director, Mold-
          drinks categories.  Through this initiative Coca-Cola   tekPackaging.Mold-tek has started commercial supplies
          owned bottling operation in India - Hindustan Coca-Cola   of IMLcontainers for the new brand chocolates Dairy Milk
          Beverages; 13 other independent franchise bottlers and   Lickables recently launched by Mondelez. The company
          fruit processing companies - will invest around $ 900 million   is also developing various new IMLcontainers for other
          on manufacturing lines, juice bottling infrastructure and   leading food & FMCG companies.
          fruit  processing  plants  and  equipment  and  agriculture
          interventions over the next 5 years to support the demand   The company will also set up plants at Vizag and Mysore
          and the growing range of the company’s non-carbonated   for  supplying  pails (bucket-shaped  plastic  containers)
          drinks portfolio. Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages and Jain   to the new plants of Asian Paints. Meanwhile, Mold-tek
          Irrigation have already invested in Project Orange Unnati   Packaging Ltd reported 12 percent increase in revenues
          and Project Mango Unnati that promotes good science and   in FY2016-17 to Rs 345 crore compared to Rs 308 crore
          technology like ultra high density plantation (UHDP) and   in 2015-16. Similarly, net profit was up 12 percent to Rs
          micro irrigation system for enhanced produce.         27 crores from last year’s Rs 24 crore.

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