Page 14 - Plastics News June 2018
P. 14

CompAny news

          Nissei’s new Texas plant a key to its                  Andersen invests $40M in

          growth plans in US                                     composite windows

             issei Plastic Industrial Co. Ltd.’s first U.S. manufacturing   ndersen Corp. has started a $40 million expansion
         Noperation, in San Antonio, is focusing on medium- and   Aat its headquarters campus to produce more Fibrex
         large-tonnage injection molding machines, a key focus   brand material for one of its fastest growing window
         for the Japanese company in North America. Sumio        lines. The privately held company is adding 60,000
         Tanaka, who is in charge of Nissei’s corporate planning   square  feet  of
         department, said the company initially plans to assemble   manufacturing, 40
         hybrid injection molding machines in San Antonio with   jobs, and extrusion
         clamping forces from 500-1,300 tons, Tanaka said. But he   capabilities  to
         said the plant has the ability — including enough crane   meet  demand  for
         capacity — to build much larger presses. “In the future, we   composite windows
         will make a 3,000-ton [injection press] here. The United   in its Andersen 100
         States is a very large and important market for us “ Tanaka   series of budget
         said. The factory began operations in March as a wholly   friendly products.
         owned  U.S.  subsidiary  called  Nissei  Plastic  Machinery   The composite windows are made from Fibrex, which is
         America Inc. Nissei has invested about $21 million in the   a blend of wood fiber mostly reclaimed from Andersen
         114,281-square-foot plant.                              manufacturing processes, and vinyl, some of which is
                                                                 also reclaimed. Andersen says Fibrex is twice as strong
                                                                 as vinyl and low maintenance compared to wood.Used
                                                                 in both Andersen and Renewal-by-Andersen brand
                                                                 products, Fibrex is associated with more than 25 U.S.
                                                                 patents.”By  further  investing  in  our  Fibrex  material
                                                                 extrusion capabilities, we are investing in our ability to
                                                                 deliver the high-performing, dependable and energy-
                                                                 efficient products our consumers expect long into the
                                                                 future,” Andersen Chairman and CEO Jay Lund said.

         The facility is located in Brooks, south of downtown     Founded in 1903, Andersen has 12,000 employees at
         San Antonio. Nissei President Hozumi Yoda said the big   window and door manufacturing sites in North America
         machines are aimed at the automotive market. “Currently,   and Europe. The company selected Bayport to produce
         that’s the Engel, and the KraussMaffei and the Cincinnati   more of its proprietary material because it is near
         Milacron [presses]. So, we will join that market with made-  the Andersen 100 series assembly operation and land
         in-the-USA machines. We think U.S. users are appreciating   is available at the headquarters.The  machinery  and
         our hybrid machines. So, we are confident that by making   equipment will come from “repurposing much of our
         a large machine here, they should be accepted, and we   North Branch, Minnpolis., extrusion plant to support
         could get the market in the United States,” Yoda said.   the  growth  of  Renewal  by Andersen,”  Lund  said.  In
         Tanaka said Nissei has a long-term strategy for the Texas   2015, the company had invested $7 million into the
         factory. Nissei has about 10 percent total market share   13-year-old North Branch facility, which makes Fibrex
         in the United States, but half of that for large machines.   and decorative trim lineal pieces for the Andersen 100
         “We’re thinking we may increase our share of the large   series and the Renewal replacement windows..A year
         machines,” he said. “We will try to make medium and     earlier, in 2014, the company had expanded the Bayport
         large  machines  in  the  U.S.  factory.” The  capability  to   plant and added 100 workers for the Andersen 100
         make larger injection presses in North America — where   series products. Construction for the latest expansion
         they will be sold — was a big reason to set up the U.S.   is expected to wrap up in the second quarter of
         factory, he said. The plant also has warehouse space and a   2019.Andersen and its subsidiaries also manufacture
         technical center for customers with demonstration presses   windows and doors sold under the Silver Line, American
         for testing of molds and materials.                     Craftsman, Emco, Weiland, MQ and Heritage brands.

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