Page 34 - Plastics News June 2018
P. 34


          4.  Recovery or plasticating time with identical      cycle is important for consistency. There are also cooling
              plastic backpressure. Not a set rpm, but the same   parameters and still others, but those will have to wait
              plasticating time, achieved by adjusting the rpm to   for another column. The six parameters above are a good
              replicate that time. Replicating circumferential screw   start, but remember: They are process results not machine
              flight velocity is more logical, but better results are   setpoints.
              obtained by replicating plasticating time to replicate   Bottom line: Replicate actual volumes, times,
              melt temperatures.
                                                                temperatures, and pressures with machines that are
          5.  Cycle time, replicating pack and cooling time.    capable and calibrated. This may sound complicated,
                                                                but it is simpler than fighting Murphy on every other run
          6.  Whole-part IR temperature picture, measured as soon
              as possible before or after ejection.             or working with the idea that molding is art rather than
          Are there other parameters that are important? Absolutely,
          like melt temperature, but interrupting a production cycle   John Bozzelli  provides  training and consulting services
          to measure that temperature is a hassle and staying on   to injection molders, including LIMS, and other specialties

          Optimize Feeding to Get More Money in Twin-Screw Compounding

                                                                                           - ALEX UTRACKI

          Every business wants to increase profits. Companies can deploy many strategies to do so that can fall across
          various areas of the business, such as reducing inventory, negotiating lower prices from suppliers, or increas-
          ing marketing efforts, to name a few.

          When  it  comes  to  operations,  the  capital  equipment   the downstream equipment. For example, difficult-to-
          is often already in place and is therefore a sunk cost.   handle materials may stick or flow poorly through feeding
          Increasing profit- ability in this case usually depends on   equipment,  limiting  the  rate  at  which  they  can  be
          maximizing productivity of these assets. For twin-screw   discharged into the twin-screw extruder. In the process
          extrusion processes, this is most easily achieved by   section, an  improperly designed melting section may
          increasing throughput rate, thereby spreading operating   not be able to fully melt the polymer above a certain
          costs (depreciation, labor, maintenance, etc.) over a   throughput rate.
          greater amount of product produced in the same unit
          of time. Another option to reduce cost is by increasing   Conversely, materials with a high energy requirement to
          energy efficiency in converting raw materials into    melt may be limited in rate by the amount of power that
                                                                the motor and gearbox combination is able to supply.
          finished  goods.  Since  energy  is  relatively  inexpensive
          in the U.S., the dollar amount of these savings tends   Limitations in the downstream equipment include high
          to be minor compared with productivity increases.     discharge pressure in the case of high-viscosity materials
          But there are other benefits businesses can realize by   and restrictive dies, and high pellet temperature in the
          cutting energy consumption, such as reducing their    case of inadequately sized cooling equipment. Only once
          carbon footprint and enhancing public image. In some   the limitation is understood can steps be taken to remove
          cases, though, it is possible to achieve both increased   it. This process is one of continuous improvement, where
                                                                if one limitation is removed, another will be uncovered
          productivity and reduced specific energy consumption.
                                                                at a higher throughput rate.
          When it comes to increasing throughput, first find out   FEED SYSTEM
          what is causing the current limitations. For twin-screw
          extrusion  processes,  limitations  can  exist  anywhere   To achieve the highest throughput rates, feeding
          from the feed system through the process section to   equipment  must deliver  an accu- rate  and  consistent

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