Page 41 - Plastics News June 2018
P. 41
internAtionAL news
CPIA , CIAC launch initiative for Environmental group to sue
plastics packaging recovery California molders
he Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA), he Center for Biological Diversity an environmental
TMississauga, Ontario, and the Chemistry Industry Tgroup plans to sue three plastics companies
Association of Canada (CIAC), Ottawa, Ontario, have in California for discharging excessive amounts of
announced an initiative to reuse, recycle or recover plastics and other pollutants into waterways, and a
100 percent of plastic packaging by 2040.The groups say lawyer for the organization said action against more
the targets underscore their members’ commitment to companies could be coming. The Center for Biological
a future without plastic waste. Representing the broad Diversity announced June 7 that it has filed notices of
plastics value chain in Canada, CPIA and CIAC and their intent to sue, a step required under the federal Clean
members announced the following waste reduction Water Act, against Barnes Plastics Inc. in Gardena,
targets:- a new aspirational goal of 100 percent of Pelican Products Inc. in Torrance and a Rehrig Pacific
plastics packaging being reused, recycled or recovered Co. factory in Los Angeles. A Barnes Plastics executive
by 2040; and an aggressive interim goal of 100 percent of disputed the allegations and said the company follows
plastics packaging being recyclable or recoverable by 2030. the law. The other two firms did not respond to a
request for comment.
The Tucson, Arizona
-based environmental
grou p i s b a si n g i t s
complaints on reviews
of a public database of
testing and reports that
companies must file with
the California State Water
Carol Hochu, president and CEO of CPIA, says, “Plastics Resources Control Board. Emily Jeffers, a lawyer for
innovations are essential to increase living standards the center, said federal law allows private citizens,
and improve overall sustainability via new products that NGOs and others to bring Clean Water Act enforcement
design out waste, reduce food waste, support resource petitions to court. "Plastics increasingly litter our
efficiency, conserve water and natural resources and oceans and coastlines, harming wildlife. There's a
reduce emissions. But it is a waste of precious resources plastic pollution crisis, and it needs to be stopped
for plastics to be used once and then landfilled.” Achieving at the source," Jeffers said. "We intend to hold
these goals will require significant investment across these companies accountable." The center accuses
the value chain in new and upgraded infrastructure and the companies of discharges from their stormwater
improved packaging design, according to the associations. runoff in excess of pollution control limits and with
Success also will require widespread public participation not having adequate management plans and pollution
in recycling and recovery programs along with changes to control technologies. For Barnes, the CBD alleges in an
littering behavior. “Industry has a role to play in designing 18-page complaint letter that the company discharges
materials and applications for greater recovery, reuse and stormwater runoff with unacceptable levels of pH,
recyclability, but addressing the issue of plastic waste solids and other materials.The center also alleges
will require actions from society as a whole and from that Barnes does not have proper containment
all of us as individuals. Our members are committed to systems. It said the facility's water runoff goes into
significantly improve the recycling and recovery of postuse the Dominguez Channel, which feeds into the Los
plastics packaging to complement existing innovations,” Angeles Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. An executive
Bob Masterson, president and CEO of CIAC, said. with Barnes disputed the allegations.
41 June 2018 Plastics News