Page 41 - Plastics News June - 2020
P. 41

Plastics mydegrade in decades, breakdown completely in carbon dioxide

          The long-standing mystery around the life expectancy of   degradation will be key to solving one of the enduring
          plastic goods has prompted a new study from Woods Hole   mysteries of plastic pollution: more than 99 percent of
          Oceanographic Institution looking at how the lifetime   the  plastic  that  should  be  detected  in  the  ocean  is
          estimates of straws, cups, bags, and other products are   missing. "Researchers are beginning to talk about the
          being  communicated  to  the  public  via  infographics.   global plastic cycle," says Rochman. "A key part of this
          Ward, the lead author of a new paper published in the   will  be  understanding  the  persistence  of  plastics  in
          journal  Proceedings  of  the  National
          Academy  of  Sciences,  along  with  WHOI
          marine chemist Chris Reddy, analyzed nearly
          60  individual  infographics  and  documents
          from  a  variety  of  sources,  including
          governmental  agencies,  non-profits,
          textbooks, and social media sites. To their
          surprise, there was little consistency in the
          lifetime  estimates  numbers  reported  for
          many everyday products, like plastic bags,
          among  the  materials.  one  of  the  biggest
          misconceptions  surrounding  the  fate  of
         plastics  in  the  environment  is  that  they
         simply  break  down  in  to  smaller  bits  that
         hang around forever. "This is the narrative
         we see all the time in the press and social
         media, and it's not a complete picture," says
         WHOI  marine  chemist  Chris  Reddy.  "But
         through our own research and collaborating
         with  others,  we've  determined  that  in              nature.  We  know  they  break  down  into  smaller  and
         addition  to  plastics  breaking  down  into  smaller   smaller pieces, but truly understanding mechanisms and
         fragments,  they  also  degrade  partially  into  different   transformation products are key parts of the puzzle."
         chemicals, and they break down completely into CO2."    "The question of environmental persistence of plastics is
         These newly identified breakdown products no longer      not  going  to  be  easy  to  answer,"  says  Collin  Ward,  a
         resemble plastic and would be otherwise missed when     marine chemist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
         scientists survey the oceans for missing plastics.  In one   and member of the its Microplastics Catalyst Program, a
         of  their  own  peer-reviewed  studies  on  the  life   long-term research program on plastics in the ocean..
         expectancy of plastics published last year, Ward and his   "But  by  bringing  transparency  to  this  environmental
         team found that polystyrene, one of the world's most    issue, we will help improve the quality of information
         ubiquitous  plastics,  may  degrade  in  decades  when   available to all stakeholders consumers, scientists, and
         exposed to sunlight, rather than thousands of years as   legislators  to  make  informed,  sustainable  decisions."
         previously thought. Chelsea Rochman, a biologist at the   This research was funded by The Seaver Institute and
         University of Toronto who wasn't involved in the study,   internal funding from the WHOI Microplastics Catalyst
         says  that  understanding  the  various  forms  of  plastic   Program.

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