Page 84 - Plastics News June 2024
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          various levels of PCR on an aggressive  able, and as you have already figured  thing is for sure: pretending the prob-
          calendar.  For  example,  California  will  out, I am skeptical this will happen.  lem isn’t there will not solve it. Sectors
          require beverage containers to include   We can certainly talk about how these   spanning CPG, beverage,  personal
          25% PCR by January 2025 and 50%    laws  fail  to  reflect  the  reality  of  how   care,  household  products  and  retail-
          PCR by 2030. New Jersey has require-  recycling markets work, but right now   ers need to engage in dialogue and test
          ments  for  plastics,  paper  and  glass.   that discussion is only useful in terms   where there may be common interest
          It requires glass packaging to meet a   of informing how we should engage as   and a possible way forward that all can
          35% PCR content standard this year.   new proposals are considered. These   engage with and support.
          To say that is impossible is a colossal   laws are already in effect now, so the  Companies often set audacious goals
          understatement.                    challenge here is what can industry do  and then fail to meet  them. In those

          Washington’s law notes that the regu-  to help ensure compliance? In my es-  cases, a company can always shift the
          lations for the bill begin in 2023 and  timation, something will need to shift  narrative, explain away the failure and
          each product category  is phased in  dramatically over the coming years,  earn favor by setting yet another goal.
          with  increasing  post-consumer  re-  or we are going to hit a “compliance  It’s  different  for  regulations.  Failure
          cycled content (PCRC)  requirements  wall.”                            to achieve these requirements comes
          over the next fifteen years. Further, it   What are the options? Multiple indus-  with financial penalties. In the case of
          adds  that  by  2036,  all packaging  for   try  segments  could align and  double   California, the law sets penalties at a
          covered  product  categories  must  in-  down  on  supporting  EPR  to  increase   rate of $0.20 per pound based on the
          clude  at  least  50%  PCRC,  excluding   recycling  rates  and then  go back  to   shortfall of recycled content used com-
          trash bags, which have a 20% require-  regulators and say, “look, we’re doing   pared to the minimum content require-
          ment after 2027.                                                       ment.
                                             all we can, so can we slow this down?”
          “Each year, producers must report  Would  this  take  the  form  of  working  In the past, policy has forced compa-
          on minimum post-consumer recycled  in some of the largest states, say New  nies to think more about their packag-
          content (PCRC) requirements from  York and Texas, or would it look more  ing and its impacts, it has also driven
          the previous year,” the law notes. “The  like a federal solution? Do we organize  innovation and a collective  response
          minimum requirements began for bev-  an effort to push back the compliance  around implementation. This momen-
          erage and trash bag producers in 2023.  timelines without the sincere effort to  tum needs to be harnessed now  and
          Household cleaning and personal care  push up recycling rates first? I suspect  focused in a constructive way on a col-
          products will start in 2025, and dairy  this  would  be  costly,  poorly  received  laborative  effort  to  offer  and  support
          milk and wine sold in small 187 ml bot-  and highly likely to fail. Do we run out  solutions to the PCR compliance wall
          tles will begin in 2029.”          the timelines, fail to comply and see  challenge.
                                             what happens?
          The market is expected to evolve rap-                                      Source – Plastics Recycling Update
          idly to make all of this new PCR avail-  The  answer  here  is  elusive,  but  one

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