Page 22 - Plastics News March 2018
P. 22


         Maharashtra cabinet approves ban on plastic carry bags

          Maharashtra government has decided to implement its decision in phases,the thrust would be on banning
          one-time use plastic such as carry bags and cutlery. Whereas milk pouches, PET bottles, garbage bags
          and some other plastic products are exempted from the ban.

             he Maharashtra cabinet on Thursday March 15, 2018   The exemption also applies to plastic containers and sachets
          Tapproved the environment department’s proposal to ban   used to package grains, pulses and other goods. It is likely
          plastic carry bags and certain other items in Maharashtra.   that all shopkeepers in the state will soon be asked to
          The ban was earlier set to come into effect on Gudi Padwa,   submit an undertaking to the local civic bodies that they
          but now it looks like it will be enforced by the month-end   will refrain from using plastic bags, which will also become
          with the issue of a notification. The ban covers disposable   a condition in the new license. It is also important to note
          plastic cups, plates, spoons and flex, but excludes garbage   that local bodies will penalise all individuals carrying plastic
          bin liners and PET bottles. The highlight of the ban is
          that both manufacturers and users will be penalized. The   carry bags, notwithstanding the microns.
                                                                                This  certainly  isn’t  the  first  time;  a
                                                                                plastic ban has been ordered in the
                                                                                state. The infamous 2005 deluge brought
                                                                                to light the repercussions of increasing
                                                                                plastic  use, as plastic-clogged  drains
                                                                                flooded  the  entire  city. At  the  time,
                                                                                a ban was issued on bags less than 50

                                                                                However, the state has decided to
                                                                                exempt milk pouches, PET bottles,
                                                                                garbage bags and some  other  plastic
                                                                                products from the ban.
                                                                                With  questions  being  raised  over  the
                                                                                effectiveness of the ban on plastic bags
                                                                                and several other one-time use plastic
          punishment is a fine ranging from Rs 5,000 to Rs 25,000   products, the Maharashtra government has decided to
          and a jail term of three months. Implementation will be   implement its decision in phases. It also decided to exempt
          the responsibility of local bodies and the state pollution   milk pouches, PET bottles, garbage bags and some other
          control board (MPCB).                                 plastic products from the ban. The thrust would be on

          The groups likely to be hit this ban include manufacturers   banning one-time use plastic such as carry bags and cutlery.
          of plastic bags, straws and disposable plastic cutlery, and   The government has also introduced a scheme to promote
          retailers, restaurants and food outlets with takeaway   collection of used bottles. Under this scheme, you have
          food services. The proposed fine for violators will range   to pay Re1 extra to buy a mineral bottle as refundable
          anywhere up to Rs 5,000 for individuals and Rs 50,000 for   recycling charge which will be refunded if the bottle is
          institutions and three-month imprisonment.            returned to the shopkeeper. This will be followed for milk
          Some items that are exempted from this ban include plastic   pouches also. Consumers will have to pay 50 paise per
          or tetra packs used to package milk and water. One prime   milk pouch, which will be refunded if it is returned to the
          reason for this exclusion is an expected hike in prices of   shopkeeper.Significantly,  although  environment  minister
          these products and also because the state is low on the   Ramdas Kadam said the ban would come into effect
          production of glass bottles for packaging the volume of   from March 18, the administration was not sure about
          these products at the moment.                         the exact date.

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