Page 10 - Plastics News March 2019
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ET Polymers Awards 2019
The Glamorous Awards Night Recognised manufacturer. It produces over a million pieces of chairs,
Excellence In Plastics. tables, stools, cabinets, etc. After receiving the award,
orldwide Media Pvt Ltd (WWM) organized The Sharadbhai Parekh mentioned that “We started in 1981.
WEconomic Times Polymers Awards, award ceremony At that point, we had urge to grow our business and the
for the plastics industry on February 12, 2019 at quality of being hardworking. On these foundations, we
Sahara Star, Mumbai. The key could establish our business and now the next generation
industry leaders of the plastics is growing it further.” While expressing his thoughts,
industry gathered to celebrate Vamanbhai Parekh added, “As this business took shape,
the success of innovations across we always had environment on our mind. We have been
the segment. using environment friendly material that replaces wood
The awards were bestowed upon used in furniture and hence saves trees.”
the winners who excelled in Mr. Rituraj Gupta, Chairman, NEC Plastivision India 2020
the use of plastics in categories said that “It’s a proud moment for me to be present at
including Recycling, Kitchenware, this prestigious awards ceremony. The mind-set of general
Packaging, Automotive, Marine Application, Agriculture, populace has become negative about plastics. Platforms
Rural Empowerment, Toys & Play Equipment. like ET Polymers Awards and Plastivision 2020 will help to
People Awards spread awareness and clean plastics’ reputation”.
Besides rewarding the innovations, The ET Polymers The ET Polymers Awards 2019 was powered ONGC Petro
additions Limited (OPaL) and the Industry Partner for the
magazine also acknowledged contribution of the CEOs platform was Plastivision 2020 which is organised by All
and industry leaders through People’s Award. Kailesh India Plastics Manufacturing Association (AIPMA).
Shah, Bhupesh Shah & Nilesh Shah of All Time Plastics
were declared the Family Leaders of the Year. These Category Winner
three brothers joined the business after completing their Excellence in Recycling TATA Motors Limited
respective educational journeys and scaled the business Excellence in Kitchenware Tupperware India
to achieve new height. In his acceptance speech, Kailesh Excellence in Packaging (SMEs) Manjushree Technopack Limited
Shah said, “Thanks to the family’s support that we could Excellence in Packaging – Material Time Technoplast Ltd.
Handling (Large Enterprises)
scale up this business. Now, we are at the cusp of changing Excellence in Packaging – Beverage
our trajectory and transforming it into a professionally (Large Enterprises) Uflex Ltd
driven business. We have set the foundations right. Hope Excellence in Packaging – Food Huhtamaki PPL Ltd
our next generation takes it ahead.” Excellence in Automotive – NTF India Pvt Ltd.
The ET Polymers CEO of the Year was awarded to Exteriors (SME)
Vidyadhar Limaye, Managing Director, Faurecia India Excellence in Automotive – Tata Autocomp Systems Limited
Private Limited, recognizing his contribution towards Exteriors (Large Enterprises)
the company and the industry. Under his leadership, the Excellence in Automotive – PPAP Automotive Limited
Interior (SME)
company achieved an impressive growth of 25% CAGR by Excellence in Automotive –
end of 2018. After receiving the award, Limaye said, “It Interior (MNC) Faurecia India Private Limited
is an honour to receive this award. I have been working Excellence in Automotive – Toyoda Gosei South India Private
in the automotive industry for more than 30 years. This Interior (Large Enterprises) Limited
award coming in at the right time feels like all hard work Excellence in Marine Applications
has been paid off.” (SME) Garware Technical Fibres Ltd.
The ultimate award of the night was the ‘Lifetime Excellence in Agricultural Automat Irrigation Private Limited
Achievement’. It was bestowed upon Vamanbhai Parekh Application (SME)
and Sharadbhai Parekh of Nilkamal Limited. These Excellence in Rural Empowerment Time Technoplast Ltd
(Large Enterprises)
veterans together established the company almost Excellence in Play Equipment
four decades ago. In these years, the company has (SME) Arihant Water Park Equipment
gained recognition as the largest moulded furniture Excellence in Toys (SME) Funskool (India) Limited
Plastics News March 2019 10