Page 19 - Plastics News March 2019
P. 19


              DuPont to expand polyimide film,                       Jatco moves its headquarters  to
              circuit materials production in US                     Modesto

                 uPont is  investing $220m to  expand production of      ustom injection molder Jatco Inc. is moving its
              DKapton  polyimide  film  and  Pyralux  flexible  circuit  Cheadquarters and California operations about 75
              materials at its Circleville plant in Ohio, expected to   miles to the Modesto area from Union City. Jatco is
              start up by 2021, the US-based producer announced on   a plastics company that makes everything from salad
              Wednesday. DuPont Electronics & Imaging is building new   tongs to large produce bins for farmers.After 34 years
              production assets to meet growing demand in automotive,   in Union City, Jatco decided the Modesto area was a
              consumer electronics, telecom and defense.“Our new     more affordable place to set-up shop.The organization
              production assets will position us well to support the   Opportunity Stanislaus worked with the City of Modesto
              growing need across many sectors for our advanced      to help convince the company to make the move and
                                                                     answer its questions like can you help us gather a local
                                                                     workforce? Can you make sure that we’ve got people
                                                                     ready day one Getting employees ready is where Volt
                                                                     Institute in Modesto comes in.It trains people to do all
                                                                     sort of manufacturing jobs, helping older employees
                                                                     update their skills and younger people get started.
                                                                     Hundreds of trained workers that will help lure more
                                                                     manufacturing to Modesto.Opportunity Stanislaus says
                                                                     the more immediate future is also worth celebrating.
                                                                     Jatco incorporated plans to have its new plant up and
                                                                     running in April.The plastic injection molding company
                                                                     JATCO Incorporated is relocating from the Bay Area to
              high-reliability materials  for innovations  in  areas such   the Central Valley and will bring some 150 jobs with it
              as 5G, automotive, flexible displays and artificial    to the new headquarters.Founded in 1976, the company
              intelligence,” said Jim Fahey, president of DuPont     has been in Union City since 1985. But recently it has
              Electronics & Imaging.DuPont is also making infrastructure   looked toward the Valley to relocate, including spots
              and personnel investments at its Hsinchu site in Taiwan.  in Stockton and Turlock. Company president Steven
              The company previously  announced plans to increase    Jones said Modesto won out because of the help of the
              Kapton production by up to 20% by the end of the first   city’s economic development team and the county’s
              quarter of 2019.DuPont Electronics & Imaging serves
              the semiconductor, advanced chip packaging, circuit
              board, electronic and industrial finishing, photovoltaic,
              display, and digital and flexographic printing industries.
              It was formed from Dow Electronic Materials and
              DuPont Electronics & Communications, following the
              DowDuPont merger in 2017. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and
              Company, commonly referred to as DuPont is an American
              conglomerate that was founded in July 1802 in Wilmington,
              Delaware,  as  a  gunpowder  mill  by  French-American
              chemist and industrialist Éleuthère Irénée du Pont.    Opportunity Stanislaus program.“We picked Modesto
                                                                     primarily because of the cooperation that we’ve had
              In 2014, DuPont was the world's fourth-largest chemical
              company based on market capitalization[3] and eighth-  from the city and from the county,” Jones said. “It
              largest based on revenue On August 31, 2017, it merged   was nice to be welcomed with open arms from the
              with the Dow Chemical Company to create DowDuPont,     city  and  county,  who  offered  to  provide  all  of  the
              the world's largest chemical company in terms of sales,   necessary support to ensure that our operation would
              of which DuPont is now a subsidiary.                   be successful.”

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