Page 60 - Plastics News March 2019
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              Controlling thermal conductivity of polymers with light

               n  a  new  study, researchers have  designed  and    group, modulate interchain bonding strength and drive
              Idemonstrated a novel type of polymer demonstrating   a reversible transition between crystal and liquid," said
              a  switchable  thermal  conductivity  controlled  by  light.   Jaeuk Sung, a MatSE Ph.D. student at Illinois. To capture the
              The material has the potential to route the conduction   thermal conductivity transitions of azobenzene polymers
              of  heat  on-demand  and  enable  new,  smarter,  ways  to   under light illumination, the Illinois research team used
              manage heat. The findings are reported in Proceedings   a technique called time-domain thermoreflectance
              of the National Academy of Sciences. "Polymers are used   (TDTR) developed by David Cahill, a MatSE professor at
                                                                    Illinois. "The way heat is carried in polymer is related to
                                                                    the diffusion of vibrational modes. In ordered crystals,
                                                                    these vibrational modes travel much further than what
                                                                    is observed in disordered liquids. As a result, an extreme
                                                                    change in molecular ordering of the polymer can
                                                                    significantly alter the thermal conductivity," David Cahill
                                                                    said. This extreme change in macromolecular ordering,
                                                                    e.g., crystal-to-liquid, is rare in nature, and has not been
                                                                    reported previously for any polymer system in response
                                                                    to light. Thus, unravelling the mechanism of the light-
                                                                    triggered phase transition was critical to understand the
                                                                    polymer's unique behavior."We could observe that, upon
                                                                    light exposure, this material quickly switches from one
                                                                    state to another with dramatically distinct heat transport
              extensively in engineered systems, but these materials   properties. We used synchrotron-based x-ray scattering to
              have almost always been considered thermally static.   elucidate the structure associated with each state during
              Discovery of polymers that can be optically triggered   the transformation, closing the synthesis-characterization-
              to quickly switch between thermally conducting and    function loop for this sophisticated polymer," added Cecilia
              insulating states will open up entirely new opportunities   Leal, a MatSE professor at Illinois. "Keeping an electrical
              in thermal engineering," explained Paul Braun, a materials   device warm is as equally important as keeping it cold.
              science and engineering (MatSE) professor and director   Materials with such switchable thermal conductivity would
              of the Illinois Materials Research Laboratory. "To the   enable ways to keep electrified systems safe, reliable and
              best of our knowledge, this is the first observation of a   efficient even under extreme condition." explained Andrew
              light-triggered reversible crystal-liquid transition in any   Alleyne, the director of the National Science Foundation
              polymeric material. The particularly notable finding in   (NSF) sponsored Engineering Research Center for Power
              this study is the fast, reversible 3-fold change in thermal   Optimization of Electro-Thermal Systems (POETS) which
              conductivity associated with the phase transition,"   supported this work, and a professor in Mechanical Science
              explained Jungwoo Shin, a MatSE Ph.D. student at Illinois.   and Engineering at Illinois. "The ability to rapidly switch
              The thermal switching polymer developed by the Illinois   the thermal properties of a polymer by exposure to light
              research team demonstrates a powerful control of the   opens up exciting new routes for control of thermal
              thermophysical  properties of a polymer in response to   transport and energy conversion at the molecular level,"
              light.  This ability originates from a photo-responsive   added Nancy Sottos, a MatSE professor at Illinois.This
              molecule,azobenzene, which can be optically excited   finding provides a striking example of how light can be
              by ultraviolet (UV) and visible light. "We synthesized a   used to control the thermal conductivity of polymers. A
              complex polymer functionalized with light-responsive   better understanding of the physical relationship between
              azobenzene groups. By illuminating with UV and visible   thermal conductivity and macromolecular ordering would
              light,  we  could  change  the  shape  of  the  azobenzene   also help push the limits of traditional polymers.

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