Page 24 - Plastics News March 2021
P. 24


         Researchers Combine Mechanical and Chemical Recycling

          Researcher’s team is working on developing a novel hybrid chemical-mechanical technology for recycling
          and upcycling of laminated and multilayered plastics.

              hen there’s talk of                               team plans to develop a hybrid model, taking the low-cost
         Wmechanical and chemical                               investment of mechanical recycling, but breaking down the
         recycling, it’s usually an either-                     plastics through a new lower-temperature (about 350 C),
         or situation. But researchers                          lower-pressure method.
         at  Case  Western  Reserve                             According to Maia, an important  aspect is the use  of
         University, the private research                       a new twin-screw extrusion technology for continuous
         university in Ohio U.S. are                            separation of materials in the melt and the modification
         looking at combining aspects                           of current recycling technologies—catalytic cracking for
         of both technologies into one                          PE and glycolysis and hydrolysis for PET—to extrusion.
         hybrid chemical-mechanical                             Multi-scale computational modeling will be integrated
         solution.                                              with  the  chemical  and  processing  studies  to  determine
         With help from government and                          optimal catalytic and degradation routes, microstructure
         industrial  partners,  the  CWRU-led  team  are  working  to   development and rheological behavior, and process kinetics
         develop and test a technique that blends the high-efficacy   and optimization.
         chemical method of plastic recycling with the typically   Maia says their process takes mixed waste, whether post-
         high-output but low-efficacy mechanical recycling.     industrial or post-consumer, after it’s been washed, and
                                                                puts it into an extruder and separates the materials in the
                                                                melt—such as polyolefins and polyesters each of which gets
                                                                upcycled separately.“The advantages are that it takes the
                                                                burden of sorting and separation away from the consumer,”
                                                                Maia says. “And hopefully we’ll be able to get the type of
                                                                scale from mechanical recycling and the type of quality of
                                                                upcycling from chemical recycling.”
                                                                Besides CWRU researchers and Braskem, partners in the
                                                                project include Procter & Gamble, Resource Material and
                                                                Recycling  of  Middlefield,  Ohio,  the  Lawrence  Livermore
                                                                National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory. Grant
                                                                Goodrich, executive director of the Great Lakes Energy
         “Mechanical is great for the volume that you need, but   Institute at CWRU, which helped facilitate the research,
         there are limitations on the end-value of the recyclate,”   says the project could create novel solutions for two issues:
         says the project’s lead researcher, João Maia, a professor   addressing the difficult process of removing contaminants
         in Macromolecular Science and Engineering. “Chemical   (scraps of food, labels, etc.) from sorted plastic waste,
         recycling helps to retain the value of the polymer, but the   and recycling those plastics that have so far been difficult
         problem is with scale.” The CWRU-led team will study how   to recycle, such as laminated and multi-layered films and
         to separate various polymers in the melt state, so that   bottles.
         each can then by upcycled by itself. One of the partners   Maia said the initial research will be done at CWRU and then
         in this work, Braskem, was able to separate about 20% of   tested at a larger scale off-site. If this works, this can be
         the PS from the plastic in trial runs. “But they did that   an game changer. The team also will study how to separate
         without optimizing the process,” Maia says. “We believe   various polymers in the melt state, so that each can then
         we can do that even better and achieve 80% separation.   by  upcycled  by  itself. The  project  was  among  a  dozen
         That would really move things forward, and it could be   DOE-awarded grants totaling $27 million, a list that also
         scalable so it could be handled by individual communities   includes a $2 million award to the University of Akron, giving
         with an investment as low as $3 million to $4 million.” The
                                                                Northeast Ohio nearly 17% of the total program funding.

          Plastics News   March 2021   24
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